Buy SECockpit – Runs My SEO Foundation

Just in case you were looking for a direct link here is where you can buy SECockpit . I’ve had a good chance to use it for a couple months now.

But before I go and try and sell this product I did a training on it and of course the video capture software I’m running decided to crap out.


Before You Buy SECockpit – Check Out My Training On SEO

secockpit supply and demand

And before you can even talk about SEO let’s talk about the basics and mindset of who is buying your information, services and products.

Take a look at the image to the right.

It would make more sense with my video (if it was working) but you can get the idea of it.

Too many get caught up of SEO things and forget the main focus to why people buy and how we are providers can sell it to them. So again, before you go and buy SECockpit check out the write up below of my training (minus the video, aaarr)


SEO Training – Process of My Business with SECockpit In Center

This is the write I did while holding my training. You can be included in my training by going through my bootcamp.

The information below was written while going through my training and answering questions.

So I apologize for not having the video and hope to get it resolved by the next time I do another training.


Home Work If You Attended The Training

  1. Log into Market Samurai and get into their training at the dojo

    Try Market Samurai now for free!

  2. Log into SECockpit and get their free ebook and of course buy SECockpit with my banne below.

Keyword Research Evolved

Power Of SECockpit And Why Buy SECockpit

  • Speed:
    A very essential factor is that SECockpit is, without exaggaration, about 400x faster than tools like Market Samurai or Keyword Elite 2. SECockpit processes 300-400 keywords per minute and does the full analysis of all the top ten ranking pages for each keyword. Market Samurai does the full analysis only one-by-one and takes about one minute per keyword on an average connection. Plus, with MS you still need to manually click each keyword you want to analyze, then wait for the analysis to finish, then click on the next one etc.
  • Sorting:
    Since SECockpit does the full analysis, you can very quickly apply all sorts of filters (searches, competition strength, CPC,…) and you can combine all filters with each other. Thanks to the data we get for each keyword, you can actually sort based on valid, useful data and not on “stand-in” data like number of competing web-pages for a keyword. This means you can take a list of 1000+ keywords and quickly filter out the small handful of the very best, most profitable keywords among them.
  • Keyword Sources:
    Most keyword tools get their data from the Google Keyword Tool and that’s it. Some are limited to 200 keywords per search. SECockpit can tap into the GKT (for up to 800 keywords per search) and also get keyword ideas from Google Suggest as well as Google Wonder Wheel. This opens up thousands of keywords that remain undiscovered by other tools.
  • Data Sources:
    Most keyword tools base their analysis on extremely questionable data like “number of competing pages”, “number of keyword in title pages”, backlink counts provided by the slowly but surely dying Yahoo Site Explorer etc. SECockpit gets most of it’s data from SEOmoz, who do their own indexation of the web and have an incredible amount of insight into how Google ranks pages. This data, by the way, usually costs a minimum of $99/month to access and you get it for free with an SECockpit subscription.
  • Traffic Estimates:
    Many keyword tools still display broad match numbers as a standard (e.g. Market Samurai), even though broad match numbers have absolutely nothing to do with how much traffic you can get for a keyword. SECockpit only uses exact match numbers, plus, we provide estimates for how many actual visitors you can expect to get for ranking at the top, the middle or the bottom of the results. These numbers have proven to be very reliable. Another way to say this is that SECockpit is the only honest keyword tool, when it comes to traffic numbers.
  • Project Management:
    In SECockpit, you can keep track of your SEO campaigns, keep track of the links you build for your sites, keep track of how much you spend and how much you make from each campaign and much more.
  • Tasks:
    SECockpit offers pre-made tasks that you can simply follow step by step, to get your pages ranked. Not only that, we also offer custom tasks made for people who want to use various link building tools and systems.
  • Domain Searches:
    SECockpit automatically checks for available exact match domains for every single keyword processed. For people building sniper-style sites this can mean hours of time saved and $$$ in their pockets.
  • Top Ten Analysis:
    Apart from the analysis of the various ranking signals, SECockpit also checks for the presence of pages on Ezinearticles, Hubpages, Squidoo, Youtube and a few other sites. These indicators can be used for many purposes, from competition analysis to traffic hijacking.
  • Local/Specific Searches:
    With SECockpit you can force the inclusion/exclusion of words or phrases in a search, which makes it an incredible tool for local searches and people who do offline marketing/consulting.


Training Next?

Not sure when I’ll do the next training. I guess when I can resolve my video capture issues.

For all of those that attended the training LIVE… congrats. You are ahead of the game 😉

But like I said, please comment below and let’s make sure your heading into the correct direction.


but remember, these are 2 tools I use. I did buy Market Samurai and I did buy SECockpit. Both fantastic tools that solve my problem with SEO in keyword selection.


Lawrence Tam Training
6/29 SEO Basics

SEO – Search Engine Optimization

Traffic -> Leads -> Income (prefer this model)
Traffic -> Income (only be AFTER you have consistent traffic)

Business Model – Passive Future Proof (as much as you can)

Business is only as good as it’s system and marketing plan.

Paid Per Click ( Action) – ppc, safe lists, CPA
Free Per Click – searches on the internet

SEO – 3 Main Things
– Keyword Research (what someone types in a search bar) 50%+
– On Page SEO (what is physically ON the website) 25%
– Off Page SEO (backlinks = VOTE of confidence) 25% (zero in terms of my time)

Low hanging fruit – something easy
“amway” (1 hit per 10 years) vs “how do amway reps make money on the internet” (1 hit per week)


SEO Process

1) root keyword then narrow it down
2) is there traffic
3) can you beat the top 10?
4) build your sites (wordpress – in the near future I’ll release a wordpress setup and installation video training for SEO in mind)

Tools for keyword research
1) free – google keyword research
2) paid – market samurai (1 time) –
secockpit (monthly) –

Why secockpit?
1) it’s online based
2) it’s freaking fast
3) it judges top 10 competition on the fly PER keyword

Niche done SOLO
1) 500 + words – time
2) solid on page seo
3) 5 pages+ privacy – time

make 1 per week, 52 websites in a year.
year 2 you got 104 niche

5-10% monsters (30-50 other websites = monster website)

domain $10/yr + hosting $10/month + tools (one time or monthly)


Build a
1) review (information site)
2) a buying site

what or where can I buy this?
best price
join xyz company

convert 1/10 vs 1/200

who has their credit card in HAND????

Copywrite is Directly Tied to you Keyword


See what I use the power of keywords with CLICK Image BELOW

Project Mayhem

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