March 5, 2012
Lawrence Tam Ambassador calling deep down into the organization
If a 5 star Ambassador in Cedrick Harris, 2 star Toby and Layla Black, and Ambassador Lawrence Tam can do this……. do you want to be an Ambassador too?
Skip To 1:15 to hear the Call Start
Call ends 9:12, after that is the team coaching call
The 3 for 1 Strategy can ONLY work if there are waiting rooms to play with… if you have NO waiting room… it makes it extremely hard to run these contests to blow up your team.
I was making calls on a work night to past 11pm. I was trying to find team members to call that were not too late and specifically targeted people in the PST time zone since I’m CST.. I know most people do NOT work as hard as I do but if they do…… results will follow. Follow the system and run it to perfection.
Engineering Your Success,
Lawrence Tam