MyPhoneRoom Package Breakdown

RHP Pro Executive Platinum
Price $97.00 $577.98 $1,599.98 $3,499.98
RHP – Powerful lead
generation training showing you 101 ways to generate 5-15HOT
leads per day
EZ Lead Capture Webpage Wizard & Blog & Customizable Graphics!– Step by step, fill in the blank!

1 Page

3 Pages



Million Dollar Drop Card Marketing System – Powerful and easy to customize drop card marketing system that gets your phone ringing and your website rocking!~

Access to MPR Call Center At Exclusive Low Members Rates – Never pay for wrong numbers, disconnects, no answers, ONLY qualified and disqualified prospects. n/a
SBBN & Voicebroadcasting – Access & market to
more than 15million small business owners
Free Voicemail – No cost per minute n/a

Use MPR to Promote
multiple opportunities

2 Max



Leads called in REAL
Timing is everything! MPR will call opt-in leads in
real time that come from your website and/or voice broadcast
n/a n/a
Automatic Mail Postcards, Thank You Notes & CD’s or DVD’s To Your HOTTEST Prospects! – As an executive you can send us virtually anything to mail to your HOT qualified prospects as we find them! n/a n/a
Automatic Call
– Automatic broadcast message sent to each prospect
that visits your site. Another powerful exposure to your
business, done automatically for you!
n/a n/a
Monthly subscription n/a $27.98 $49.98 $49.98
MAX daily lead import (quality score managed responder leads) n/a 250 500 750
Call Center Credits – DQ/Q1. leads loaded must be responder leads2. leads must maintain quality score min levels3. we do not cold call unless you have special permission 4. we do not call cheap ’email’ autoresponder leads for YOUR protection (you would end up spending way to much overall plus it cloggs the dialer)5. we do not charge for calls that we do not reach, bad numbers, wrong numbers etc- only yesses and nos, aka qualifieds and disqualifieds

6. residential leads must contain dates and be less than 75 days old

7. leads are usually called to completion within 16 days from upload

EGQ Leads – current pricing n/a 3 2 1
Postcard EGQ Leads – coming soon these leads are mailed a full color glossy postcard about your opportunity AND called n/a add .25 add .25 add .50plus sequential direct mail marketing coming soon!
Social Media Connect – qualified leads invited to your social networks n/a n/a n/a 3 networks
Closing Assist – details coming soon n/a YES YES YES
Live Connect – 3
way transfer from call center to YOU.
n/a No Additional costs- Billed at the normal qualified lead rate No Additional costs- Billed at the normal qualified lead rate No Additional costs- Billed at the normal qualified lead rate
MAX Commissions earned
per sale
(based on full retail, not sales or promotional pricing)
$97.00 $400.00 $800.00 n/a
Instantly qualified at RHP Level 2 sales at
Instantly qualified at RHP Level
qualified at Pro, Need 2 Sales At Executive Level
qualified at Pro, Need 2 Sales At Executive Level
& Need 2 Sales At Platinum Level
If you join at a lower level, you have 10 days to upgrade to a higher level or you will have to pay full price thereafter.
*options can change without notice*

Take The My Phone Room Tour Below:

11 thoughts on “MyPhoneRoom Package Breakdown

  1. I have been trying to find reliable information on this program. It seems many people once promoting this are no longer active. Is this working for you Lawrence? Thanks in advance!


  2. yes. if you look at my lead production I don't have enough time to qualify leads let along train my team. MyPhoneRoom is that one product I need to be more efficient only. Most who used to promote and no longer generally means they lead flow is dead.

    Once the google and youtube slap came this year many no longer have a need to screen calls i guess. I have my own custom scripts and 3way calls to my assistant. The whole intention is for people to understand you need to QUALIFY for my time. When this shift comes you are in business.

    treat your business like a business.

    • make sure to go through my link. I give my people my script and you will be working with someone who uses it daily plus… i think i’m the #1 money earner there so I tend to be able to give some good deals if you throw in my name 😉

      • Whats good Law. I met you in Tampa at the 1st Numis convention in Dave’s room when we launched the DVD campaign. I have my EN blog site and the only difference is you went with Visalus and I went to Morinda (formerly Tahitian Noni). Anyway, my call center reps sucked big time so I shut down the office. My wife found MPR and it looks interesting. I know your track record and wanted to know if I rocked MPR under your affiliate link, will I also get the tscripts you use for the prospects you have the MPR call center reps call. I want to retire this year too. (Even though your’s was a different “retire”. Nonetheless, I’d love to learn from you!)

  3. In your experience, Lawrence, are beginners succesful with MPR, or does one need to understand the MLM company they’re with better before jumping in with a MPR subscription?

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