Can you really help without want? L4 MLSP Leader wants to know

I know this might sound funny from an L4 member who  has literally helped hundreds of people outside of my team but I wanted to be real and get this off my chest. I have been spending more time in a MLSP forum to give free information and I ran into this.

There is a member there that many of you probably think like or at one time did.

“Can I learn from leaders for free?”

I want you to think about this.

I help many mlsp members, and many more on this forums who never say thanks. That is okay and expected. I still continue to bring value and help whoever is here on a semi automated basis. Trust me when I say I screen your calls cause I’m not superman.

I work my business 4-5 hours a day and can NOT help everyone as much as I should. That’s life.

So who has priority?

  1. God
  2. Family
  3. My Primary business team
  4. MLSP team
  5. My own learning
  6. My own marketing
  7. MLSP in general (you peeps) — But guess what… I’m still here putting in my own time to help the community.

Looking at that order and how much I spend with helping people can you honestly say that you should “expect” me to work with you on a completely free basis over phone/email/text? Continue reading

MLSP Training Aug 30

Here is the Lawrence Tam MLSP internal training.

To learn more about what I do:

  1. Graduate from my Internet Lead Generation Bootcamp
  2. To use my Free Traffic System

~14hr min/ week

this is your starting point.

What is YOUR WHY!!!???

$50/month – MLSP
$25/month – Aweber
$10/year – domain name


Free Traffic System = Free $0
5 articles = $25

What is YOUR TIME Worth.

+$40/hr (why are you spending time making a blog?)

To register for my MLSP Training as a guest you can here:

outsource it.

Engineering Your Success,
Lawrence Tam

PS> So what is the Best MLM Opportunity?

Featured On MyLeadSystemPro Corporate Blog

The guys at top wanted a leader to rise from their system.

Kind of like Altered Beast back in the day on the Sega Master system.

“Rise from your grave!!!!”.

Well, after running through my F.R.A.N.K. list I gobbled up a ton of information only to be lest down with poor conversions and awful return on my time. That was until I dedicated myself to learning from successful people.

Not particularly just a system or software package but REAL people. This is exactly why I have this blog. To let those who visit understand I’m a REAL person that has made REAL money online all part time while working a full time mechanical engineering R&D position.

It’s not a dream. It’s a reality.

Read the Full Blog Here:

Managing a Full Time Job AND Your Home Business. MLSP Spotlight on L4 Leader Lawrence Tam

When you are ready to step up to the big leagues email me. If you don’t have my email then you need to graduate from my bootcamp first.

I need to make sure you are serious before I spend time with you. If you can’t even follow along my bootcamp series then well it has served it’s purpose…. weeding out the weak and non-motivated.

Graduate from my 7 day internet lead generation bootcamp today

Engineering Your Success,
Lawrence Tam

My Nate Dog

Here are some more reviews of MyLeadSystemPro from other members.

FREE Strategy Every Marketer Should Be Using That 95% DON’T

You know what’s really funny (and sad) about the majority of internet marketers?

Every one is out there chasing after the magic bullet? The TOP SECRET marketing strategy that will magically solve all your problems and have your computer spitting out cash on autopilot.

Let me break the news to you today….


Register MLSP Webinar

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Lawrence Tam Personal Story Live April 21 9pm EST

I will be featured in a webinar held by MyLeadSystemPro (MLSP) which have over 1000 people pack the house on training and how to sponsor more people to your business.

I was asked to come out and share my story and I will be doing it Wednesday April 21 9pm EST.

Reserve Your Seat Here

Just how I went from sponsoring less than 10 people which included my family members and close friends to being able to sponsor about 1 a day for 2 weeks.

How is this possible?

And get this… I was able to do this part time all from the comfort of my home and didn’t go to ANY home parties.

I’m going to dive into how I’m so efficient and some tools I used to get me where I am today.

Shooting up to the 2nd highest achievable rank in 5 days wouldn’t have been possible without certain tools and education in place. I’ll dive into this in my interview.

Come in early and stay for Q&A.

Reserve Your Seat Here

April 21 Wednesday
9PM Eastern
8PM Central
7PM Mountain
6PM Pacific

Time Converter Link:

Engineering Your Success,
Lawrence Tam

1,001 leads PER DAY… PROVEN… DUPLICABLE… This Wed 3.31 @9PM EST

When I heard about this I thought this was a joke. Who would
tell their secret of HOW it’s done…

We’ve got one of the sharpest internet marketers
online today providing the most insane value for
F*R*E*E this Wednesday March 31st at 9:00 PM EST!

I guess when you work with the best you simply
attract the best  😉

He’s been able to generate well over 1,000 leads
PER DAY with a very simple push of a button, and
he’s agreed to share it with YOU!

1000+ leads per day…
Continue reading