Email Marketing Effectiveness Over 107% Open Rates

Email marketing effectiveness gauged by open and click throughs

Digest this image for a second

email marketing effectiveness


Live Webinar 9am CST (10am EST) November 27th, 2012 on Email Marketing Effectivness

So the image above breaks down my Aweber follow up series for a list with 415 active subscribers as of today.

This list was primarily comprised of youtube and facebook marketing methods done for free.

I was testing traffic sources and doing some testing if email marketing effectiveness was related to actual sources.

if you look at the numbers…. the first email has a staggering over 100% open rate… actually 107% open rate

Most internet marketers are looking for 10% open to a solid 20% open… not OVER 107%… that means I’m engaging my audience above and beyond to about 5x the norm?

Email marketing effectiveness starts with good copywriting and having a strong call to action.

How To Increase Your Email Marketing Effectiveness

So let’s look at how to increase this…

  1. Start looking into who your target market is
  2. Put yourself in the reader’s shoes and determine if what you are presenting is going to “solve a problem they have”
  3. Are you serving the community or just serving yourself?

Really ask these questions and it will help you get a good start to building a business online that starts with… you guessed it… readers.

Readers -> Prospects -> Customers -> Partners

The numbers aren’t magical, just a evolving process to connecting with people at different stages of their life span.

What Are You Doing To Build Trust With Your Readers?

It’s not rocket science and shouldn’t be perceived like so.

But let’s look at what happens if you have POOR email marketing skills and that is how you make your living.

Avg Numbers

  • 1,000 readers
  • at 10% open that is 100 readers clicking your email to open

My Small Test

  • 415 readers
  • at 60% open that is 249 readers clicking my email to open


So even with less than 1/2 of the readers I was able to email less people but have more than 2x the amount of real people open my message.

The point you understand this is the point you know you don’t need millions of readers to make a crazy full time living online…. or even a fantastic part time living online.

It breaks down to

How Many People See Your Message?

Be it to sell them something, to bond with them, to build a better relationship…. it’s all based how many people can you connect with.

Driving pure traffic is awesome but you can be “AWESOMER” if you can actually get them to like, or even love your message 😉

 Email Marketing Effectiveness Starts With Simple Tools

  1. One tool you will need is an autoresponder. I have a couple and the stats you see above are using Aweber. If you don’t have aweber I would suggest you get it and start collecting data asap.
    1. Get a copy of Aweber here
  2. The next step would be to setup a capture system or a way to get emails into your database so you can talk to them over time using Aweber. The system I have been using solid for a year and have increased my database of subscribers by 16,000 readers used this capture system
    1. Get a copy of my capture page system here


Email Marketing Effectiveness With Aweber


Try AWeber’s Autoresponders for $1


So taking 2 simple tools, an autoresponder in Aweber and a capture page system you can increase your own email marketing effectiveness from the comfort of your home or even at work during lunch (shhhhhh.. hahahh)

Want To Learn More About What I do?

Your direct next step is to add email marketing effectiveness training into your tool belt of knowledge and continue to grow into a full time marketer by “learning” the ins and outs of producing online.

Fill in the form below and you will get to dive into what I have been cooking up lately 😉