HostGator Promo Code – 25%

HostGator Promo Code 25% off

*use promo code startawebsitehostgator for 25% off at*

I personally use hostgator and have used it for many of my websites. There are a lot of qualities to a good hosting and here are some after being with a piss poor hosting account.hostgator promo code

  1. Speed
    1. I can’t tell you  how many times I was with another host and it was dirt slow. It suck because if your trying to do any type of SEO having a slow freaking website will kill your site. Visitors will just stop waiting and leave. Bounce rate will hurt bad. People are looking for information and if they have to wait, or wait too long for their own taste your just not going to keep your visitors around.
  2. Up Time
    1. I remember countless times when my old host (NOT HOSTGATOR) that I would try and pull up my website to show it off to someone only to see it dead in the water. AAARRRRR. When your site is an extension of your business and has no hours of operation because it’s supposed to be open 24hrs a day down time is a no-no.
  3. Customer Service
    1. There is regular customer service that works on their time and then there is good customer service that seems to be around and available ALL the time. Stuff happens. Crap happens. Stuff out of your control and most times in your control because you broke something. Hey, that’s life.

I’m not going to say you MUST use HostGator but I’ve built over 30 websites in all kinds of niches and I have most if not all of them with Hostgator. I was able to strike up a deal to get a special coupon to my guests to my website here. This HostGator promo code is the real deal and can be applied for a 25% discount to your checkout.

How you like them apples?

HostGator Promo Code


Oh, if you think you can go with one host and then move to another there are services within Host Gator to make it a smooth transition. To avoid this step I would say just go with Host Gator and don’t even mess with it. If your building more websites and want to mess with C Class Ip hosting sure go get that when you need unique IP stuff. But for the 95% of my common readers there is really no need to go into that unless your looking into geo targeting domains.

Make it easy and just use my hostgator promo code and call it a day ->> startawebsitehostgator

hostgator promo code