Cold Calling Script – You Sure You Wanna?

If your here then your looking for a cold calling script.

Well I’ll be glad to help but before I like to provide solutions I would like to dive into the root of the problem as I feel that is a better way to solve anything. Look at the root problem vs just being reactionary to situations.

cold calling script

Cold Calling Script – Who Uses Them?

I would like to dive into the mindset of someone who goes and uses a cold calling script. I’m going to make some suggestions to what I’ve done and am  doing with my assistant but that’s the thing… are you sure you want to use a cold calling script at all?

Cold Calling Scripts Are For Lead Poverty

Most people who use a cold calling script do so because they are in lead poverty.  If you had leads you would call your leads. If you had a lot of leads you would spend all day calling your leads. There would be no need to cold call people let alone needing to pull up a cold calling script. You could easily buy targeted leads or just generate your own. If leads were not the issue then cold calling scripts would be thrown in the trash.

Cold Calling Scripts – Apply For Some Not All

I’ve seen a lot of my students attempt cold calling with standard cold calling scripts they got from their business team. Which is find IF they were selling something that would make sense. Depending on what your trying to sell or what business your in cold calling probably should be used. Here is an example.

A student of mine was selling a business where he was trying to recruit people into doing some network marketing. Now the entrance fee was pretty cheap. I think it was $100 so that’s a good draw for a complete stranger to invest into your business but the payout was laughable. You would make like peanuts. I think most signups were less than $20.

I mean would you really want to do network marketing cold calls for $20 commissions?

One thing that is for sure is that your closing percentage will drop considerably when you start to talk to non targeted people through cold calling marketing.

But Lawrence – You Said You Use a Cold Calling Script

Why yes I do.

But the script I use it for is for a business that pays me $1,000 in commissions. There is a BIG difference. I can outsource or do it myself. I mean I have no problem doing some cold calling for the week and spend say 10 hours on the phones hammering it to try and close a $1,000 commission check paid to me directly.

Other network marketing companies that pay like $25,$50, $100 per signup would need to a lot more people. And when your considering that cold calling signups are at a much lower % then it just doesn’t make sense unless your team member is gung ho about it. I don’t think it’s doable.

The average person will not work say 5-15 hours a week for a signup for $100. But if you told someone they could say spend 20 hours a week and still make about $1,000 in pure commissions then cold calling with cold calling scripts would be applicable.

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Still Want to Use A Cold Calling Script?

The #1 advice I can give anyone who is going to be using a script AFTER they know what their commissions would be… and AFTER they know that conversions will not be the same from purchased or self generated leads is:

Make your prospect a Bobble Head

The best cold calling script is one that allows you to ask questions that makes the listener a bobble head. Make them say yes to your questions. The only way to do this is:


Most people will tell you very quickly what they want to hear if you ask a couple good questions then continue to make them NOD their head.

Question: So the economy still sucks huh?

Question: Wouldn’t it be great to make an additional money that doesn’t interferer with what your doing now?

Question: Wouldn’t it be great to make some more cash WHILE you were on vacation next time?

Personally, I would only use a cold calling script for cold calls on big ticket items. Everything else I just generate leads for my business. If you want to learn what I do and how I do it Graduate from my FREE 7 day bootcamp below.

cold calling scripts

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