How To Rank On Google And Make Bank Fast

So there tends to be a lot of people hyping what they have done with no physical results.

Here is something I want you to chew on.

Pictures are a beautiful tool (*not typical and no way do I guarantee you can do this but these are legit numbers)

How To Rank On Google With the elevation group

How To Rank On Google And Bank Fast

So essentially, with a keyword with 23 million broad competition on Google I have been able to pull in over $2,000 in 3 days. Now this isn’t too shabby.

But Lawrence, WHY would you show someone how to rank on google if they will be more competition to you?

Personally, I believe in abundance and those who really enjoy what I teach will personally want to learn from me directly. In the end, I know 99% of the people out there will do nothing with the information I give. The 1% who do will stand up and contact me to learn more about the secret sauce.

If you didn’t realize…. I am interviewing YOU.

Sounds odd I know but if you didn’t realize I am actually filtering out business partners by seeing how SERIOUS they are. My time is worth more than you can imagine. I do NOT want to work with the lazy and those who want a free hand out. There is a reason why I shelter myself from tire kickers and lottery type mentality prospects.

My goal is to see HOW dedicated you are and how teachable you are. If you really are determined and you like the way I teach then it’s time you step up.


Your homework to learn how to rank on google I want you to do this:

1)  Graduate from my 7 day internet lead generation course. When you graduate you will understand my general SEO strategy.

2) Get Traffic Cipher as your basic foundation to SEO. This is a must if you want to learn how to rank on google fast.


When your ready to rock and roll and
learn how to rank on google

2 main ways you can work with me directly

1) I charge a $100/hr consulting fee. Email me. My email is in my bootcamp so just subscribe from above to contact me.

2) Sign up as an Executive in my MasterMind Team . When you join my internal team you will get my current training live once per week and see what I’m doing on an on going basis.  (international users, contact me for other options)

Engineering Your Success,
Lawrence Tam

9 thoughts on “How To Rank On Google And Make Bank Fast

  1. I also noticed that you were pretty much ranking for every variation of the keywords as well. What can I say, I’m a ninja spy.

    •  what is funny, after the wave hit sitting in the top 5 for while didn’t bring any more money. I guess this is one of those cases to get in quick before the rush ends.

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