Help Desk Humor

I love helping my fellow student…. when taught like a classroom.

Individual training and mentoring comes at a price and those who either pay me as a consultant or join my primary business generally get my personal touch.


for those who just don’t get it here is a T-shirt I found

Help Desk Humor

Help Desk Humor

Help Desk Humor

Look. I’m not saying to NOT reach out but when you were in college did you learn in a classroom setting or a one on one mentoring? In most cases it’s 90% classroom and 10% professor time at that. That’s why there were Teacher Assistants.

So being that IF and only IF you are at a true road block technically then shoot me an email.

My time is dedicated to my paying consultant customers and my primary network marketing team members.

I have many things in place for you to learn without me physically teaching you the basics. LEARN the basics please 😉

Engineering Your Success,
Lawrence Tam

PS. most of your growth will come from YOU learning it first hand. Not me spoon feeding you. When your ready to accelerate your learning send me an email and let’s setup a time to chat. My email is in my free bootcamp subscription training.

4 thoughts on “Help Desk Humor

  1. Where can I buy the T shirt, I want one! 🙂  lol, that was really funny.  Completely true as well! 

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