College Tuition Increases – How You Paying It?

Are college tuition increases one of the major things that bother you today?

I loved my college. My time at the university of texas at austin was great. My parents paid my way and it was expensive. Graduating in 2000 what do you think that same degree is worth now?

It’s a bit scary to think my 2 little kids (4 and 6) will be going to college to a state school to cost over $250k for a 4 year degree.

How are people going to pay for this?

I’ve invested heavily last couple years and have practically pre-paid my 2 kids tuitions using the Texas Tomorrow Fund and the 529 Plan with the Utah Plan.

My kids I hope will be set with my early planning. That is my backup.


I do not think a college education guarantees financial success.

I strongly believe financial freedom is developed by the HUNGER to wanting to learn. That’s it.

IF your HUNGRY and enjoy learning you will be successful because you will find a way. Being taught to think inside the box is not the only way to make it. We don’t live in a box.

Check out this video and let me know your thoughts.

So now you know why I have partnered with a business that sells silver and gold. Understanding asset allocation and preparing for hyperinflation IF it were to happen.

Being prepared and being ready for If SH*T Happens is a goo plan in my book.

Fight College Tuition Increases by being financial informed and collecting assets vs debt.

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2010 MS70 PCGS Silver American Eagle (First Strike)

2010 MS70 PCGS Silver American Eagle (First Strike)

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