How To Market A Product Online

so you ask yourself how to market a product online… right?

How To Market A Product Online Like Pro

Let’s break it into a couple pieces to learn how to market a product online

  1. Product Knowledge – It’s going to be pretty hard to market anything to anyone if you don’t have a clue to what your actually selling. I see a couple clients who try and sell online but they don’t actually really know what they are selling as a BENEFIT to someone… that’s the key… People get stuck on all the features (it has 3  butons and weights 1lb) when you should be focusing on stuff like…. You can hold it in one hand and won’t give you a cramp…. It allows you to take video footage in a crowd yet you can capture the audio from your ONE person vs everyone… Benefits….
  2. Customer Niche – Who is your ideal customer or person you would like to sell to? The better question would be … How do you solve a problem for them? If you can dig into who’s problem you are going to solve you can much easier talk to their pains. One way to think of this is to look into how you can immediately resolve something. This bubble gum doesn’t stick to your teeth – probably speaks to people with dentures which means your looking at a much older demographic.
  3. Traffic – You will need a LOT of people to see your products and it’s coming down to a daily stat you should track. Traffic comes in all forms and I won’t go into it but if you want to learn PURE traffic methods I would recommend this program that teaches CURRENT marketing strategies that produce traffic.
  4. Web Property – Most would agree this is a website … but what kind and how can you do it? I would suggest a Blog or a blog that has a website system built in. Here are some examples
    1. Blog – duuuh… your on my blog… it’s a website that is built on current information and bumps down the older ones. It’s a setup that can be SUPER difficult to setup and maintain properly… (trust me… i’ve deleted my blog before hahahah). I would suggest you learn on an authoritative blog vs trying to go through say blogger.come or do a self host worpress blog for a LOT of reasons. This blog I have here is on a dedicates server with custom plugin and custom coding, with custom headers… basically not for the 99% who want a website or blog. If you want a quick blog that can be put in in seconds on an authority blog that actually ranks -> go here to get a REAL BLOG
    2. Capture Page – the main purpose of this is to gather information to then sell through an email system. This is the preferred method unless you are spending thousands on branding and don’t care about increasing conversions on sales… .so basically you need capture pages in one form or the other. Here is a gangster capture page I’ve used that converts like gangbusters
    3. Social Media Page – There are a lot of these types of pages but the biggest one that I’ve used to promote and make a killing online and market my products is on facebook. To see a good why how I run a standard Facebook profile like a business page… it’s called utilizing the subscription option. Link up with me on Facebook to see how I use it. as of t his writing i have almost 5,000 followers… basically people who are connected and some who aren’t friends but still see my update…. 😉  that’s power.

So what does all of this mean?

How To Market A Product Online And Keep Your Friends And Family

The key is marketing by learning how to drive traffic and make sales without having to ONLY rely on friends and family. Friends and family is a form that works extremely well but shouldn’t be the ONLY method and one that is less widely leaned on as you grow. I mean, if you own a restaurant that would grow the customer base pretty slow. So learning how to market a product can be te reason your IN business or OUT of to market a product

So what kind of traffic? I prefer organic traffic… basica traffic that comes in from organic searches through google that come to my blog entities or my video entities. The idea is someone is searching to resolve something. It can be to switch hair colors or just to learn something, or even laugh at something.

The point is to really dig deep and figure out who you serve and how can you serve them. Providing this you can then dominate a niche and make some serious bank.

Learn how to market a product using proven methods like SEO and video marketing. Basically driving viewers into a place you can then show what you do but more importantly HOW you can serve them.

I have literally driven thousands of people to my various web properties and most of it has come from SEO and PPC. I won’t touch on PPC as it’s just nutty how difficult it can be to market using paid traffic sources going through fb or google.

I have been teaching my students to focus on SEO and why I highly recommend any business owner to really think about using a blog to have traffic land there… but to learn PURE marketing… it comes down to how to drive viewers, people, potential customers to a point where you can “WOW” them.

Here is something I believe can change the way you think about marketing online or even driving traffic… I have driven thousands of people in a day primarily learning the ins and outs of what works and what doesn’t work.

To learn more about PURE marketing… I would suggest you go through our training below

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Yes Let Me In

What Does Blogging Have To Do With It?

Forgotten Ninja Skill
Live Stream Tonight 11:30pm EST Nov, 9th 2012

 Lawrence, Let Me In

We respect your email privacy

Major Annoucement Friday 11pm EST (10pm CST) Nov 2

Greetings my fellow web surfers… It’s Lawrence Tam Here

I will be coming back here Friday 11pm EST (10pm CST) to make a major announcement


to be added to my personal built from the ground up training platform 😉

 Lawrence, Let Me In

We respect your email privacy


Why should you be watching this space?

  1. I am the current #1 income earner at Empower
  2. I am not doing a traditional network marketing company that has consumable products that are distributed through home parties
  3. I have retired from mechanical engineering (12 years) and retired my wife of accounting AND have found a way to NEVER go back
  4. I am going to open up a part of my mind, body and soul during this time
  5. I’m going to prove I’m not super human but strive to be
  6. I’m going to show you a side of the industry that many won’t teach you but you should know on DAY 1
  7. I’m going to educate you vs push you into motion due to fear


The Hosted Call You Must Hear – Road to $100k in 2 weeks

I don’t host many corporate calls due to my restrictions on time with family.

I hosted this one and it was Packed!!!!


Listen to the call, understand HOW I use this awesome system with Empower to build a list.

If you are not in yet…. Click the button below and my assistant will send you my personal bonuses laid out here (Project Mayhem)

Facebook Marketing With PPC Exposed

Facebook Marketing is an interesting beast. It has many different methods to reaching a target market but what I wanted to present was the presentation I did with my friend Brian Cole who went from working fast food to getting out of that job to go full time into marketing using this unique method.facebook marketing

What Is this method?????

Facebook Marketing With PPC

Most treat Facebook like it’s an open invitation to a party. People get together and decide who is funny and who has the new “dirt” on their circle of friends, but…

with the addition of adding paid methods of advertising to Facebook the game changed… for some.

Facebook Marketing with PPC is in it’s infancy. Many have attempted to understand who to market on it and many have failed. Many coming from the Google, Yahoo, Bing PPC marketers are getting “pimp slapped” on Facebook because they are not properly using this unique method to targeting prospects. Continue reading

Market Samurai Rank Tracker

The 2 major tools to use.

1) Recommended Market Samurai Rank Tracker

2) Free Option -> Search Engine Reports

Training Notes


Tracking Progress
SEO Keywords

Blogging, Article Marketing, Videos for SEO

1) pick keyword
2) create content (article or video)
3) publish it
4) promote it (backlinks, traffic) *many stop here
5) tracking

It’s near impossible to get to a destination if you don’t know where you going. Better yet, where are you now?

Today (recorded) -> Future (take a look back)market samurai

Market Samurai ->

analytics -> find how much traffic is coming in PER keyword
google analytics
stat counter

helping you spend your time wisely.