Happy Turkey Day!

I’m recovering from having a massive turkey lunch and wanted to
write a short note about….



Take care of yourself and get ready for black friday shopping!

I’m buying this tomorrow at the sale:
The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists

I’m a network marketer and who better to learn from than one of the best CLOSERS on the planet 🙂

Engineering Your Success,
Lawrence Tam

Lawrence Is Gutting His Blog

As I sit here in my seat going to a mastermind workshop in Hawaii with Daegan Smith it dawned on me there is a couple things I want to change about the direction of what I do here on my website.

The more and more I look online the more and more I feel I haven’t been transparent enough. Yeah… I know that just sounds odd considering I’ve put up so many videos and trainings in the last 10 months on this blog.


I think I want to turn the corner and start to really educate my core market. Continue reading

By Your Powers Combined!

Team Work!

Since Today is Friday I wanted to give you some inspiration through a T-Shirt

The key point of interest is that by combining your skills and talents with a team of people you can create something GREAT! If you are planning on building a business, build it with others. Learn from mentors and make something great.

Just like the hot dog below 😉

By Your Powers Combined!

By Your Powers Combined


If you feel more empowered, then it’s time you put your information to the upper right and find out how to make more money online to buy more nerdy t-shirts just like this one!

Alpha Networker 2.0 – Ryan Angelo

So what is the deal with this?

Magnetic Sponsoring upgraded?

Here is the video that explains what is going on and how it’s helping network marketers grow into making they type of money you should be making in the first place.

Click the Alpha Networker 2.0 Banner Below

The Live Webinar will be held at:

Wednesday November 10th
9PM Eastern (5 GMT)
8PM Central
7PM Mountain
6PM Pacific

to reserve your spot for this webinar click here

Engineering Your Success,
Lawrence Tam
Lawrence Tam

Mike Dillard Steps Down From Magnetic Sponsoring To Take Up The Elevation Group?


A bit of a shocker to me too.

The product that really changed the way I thought about business in Magnetic Sponsoring is now being headed by someone else?

Interesting.The Elevation Group

So Mike Dillard is coming out with The Elevation Group and their beta has closed. I was able to snag a position and looking through this information it is pretty eye opening.

For know just know another section of my business just opened up because of this program. If you know me then you know I’m all about education and love to learn new ways to leverage my time.

You can always make money but you can’t get time back.
Stay tuned to when it re-opens and join me as one of the founding members.

Click Here: The Elevation Group Reopening Soon

Engineering Your Success,
Lawrence Tam

Can you really help without want? L4 MLSP Leader wants to know

I know this might sound funny from an L4 member who  has literally helped hundreds of people outside of my team but I wanted to be real and get this off my chest. I have been spending more time in a MLSP forum to give free information and I ran into this.

There is a member there that many of you probably think like or at one time did.

“Can I learn from leaders for free?”

I want you to think about this.

I help many mlsp members, and many more on this forums who never say thanks. That is okay and expected. I still continue to bring value and help whoever is here on a semi automated basis. Trust me when I say I screen your calls cause I’m not superman.

I work my business 4-5 hours a day and can NOT help everyone as much as I should. That’s life.

So who has priority?

  1. God
  2. Family
  3. My Primary business team
  4. MLSP team
  5. My own learning
  6. My own marketing
  7. MLSP in general (you peeps) — But guess what… I’m still here putting in my own time to help the community.

Looking at that order and how much I spend with helping people can you honestly say that you should “expect” me to work with you on a completely free basis over phone/email/text? Continue reading