Magnetic Sponsoring Review Of A Long Time User

So you have searched the internet looking for a better way to grow a home based business and probably heard of something called Magnetic Sponsoring and I wanted to write this magnetic sponsoring review for you to digest. You’re probably specifically interested in growing a business in network marketing. No doubt you have come across a couple sites praising the marketing system Magnetic Sponsoring by Mike Dillard in Austin.


Magnetic Sponsoring Review Of My Experiences

So what exactly is Magnetic Sponsoring Review and why is it important to network marketers? Is it useful? Does it really work? Why do I personally use it to generate leads to my network marketing business daily?

I stumbled across this information about 6 months ago. Like most I was skeptical. Wait, let me retract that and say I was very skeptical. I have an education in Mechanical Engineering so I think I’m educated enough to see through most false advertisements. Seeing stuff like this on the internet doesn’t get much attention because the promises are just to grand. Seriously, how can someone sponsor so many strangers off the internet?

6 months later and a good stream of very informative videos and e-mails finally got me to try out the system. It came with a 1 year money back guarantee so what did I really have to lose. I figured I would look into this system and see if it could help. I definitely couldn’t hurt and the most I would lose is time. At my point in my network marketing career I didn’t have many other choices.


Can You Relate?

  1. 100 names list consisting of friends, relatives, associates, neighbors, and kids parents.
  2. Dragging people to business opportunity meetings.
  3. Arguing with people online that my business was better than theirs so join mine.
  4. Placing company ads describing how great it was.
  5. And many others.

Continue reading

Facebook Marketing With PPC Exposed

Facebook Marketing is an interesting beast. It has many different methods to reaching a target market but what I wanted to present was the presentation I did with my friend Brian Cole who went from working fast food to getting out of that job to go full time into marketing using this unique method.facebook marketing

What Is this method?????

Facebook Marketing With PPC

Most treat Facebook like it’s an open invitation to a party. People get together and decide who is funny and who has the new “dirt” on their circle of friends, but…

with the addition of adding paid methods of advertising to Facebook the game changed… for some.

Facebook Marketing with PPC is in it’s infancy. Many have attempted to understand who to market on it and many have failed. Many coming from the Google, Yahoo, Bing PPC marketers are getting “pimp slapped” on Facebook because they are not properly using this unique method to targeting prospects. Continue reading

TweetAdder Review – Tweet This!

This TweetAdder review will give you independent and objective assessment of this tool.  I am on online marketer and I can testify that marketing over the internet is not as simple as it may seem.  It is however not hard or complicated as you may think. You only need to be focused on success and I can sure you that you will make it.


Besides giving me a lot of money I enjoy marketing online and I urge you to think of doing it and like me, you will enjoy and love it. How do you get more tweets or followers in Twitter? Most people will suggest the TweetAdder but what is it, how does it work, is it really effective, is it right for you? These are the questions that this TweetAdder review will seek to answer.


TweetAdder review – avoid spamming or else you will be suspended

Professional marketers over the internet do not spam Twitter neither do they try getting thousands of followers within few days.  You should use the Tweetadder for the good purpose and as required.  You should aim at getting reasonable number of Twitter followers everyday and you will get the required number of tweets in a reasonable duration.


Note that improper use of Twitter for spamming may lead to your suspension. This is the reason why I urge you to try your best to keep the Twitter experience good. Do not test twitter to see how much you can exploit the system because in doing so you risk suspension.


Suspension by Twitter will be big blow and set back if you are promoting your services or website. This TweetAdder review urges your NEVER TO SPAM. You should act reasonably and wisely.


I urge you to use only one account although Twitter allows you to have several of them.  Note that you can still have several accounts and have no problems with Twitter if you use them for the good purpose. You can for example have one Twitter account for business, another one for your personal stuff and another one for your blogs.


TweetAdder review – you can use it in Mac OS as well as Windows OS

TweetAdder works well with the Mac OS as well as the Windows.  You can use it on your PC or Macbook. This feature has contributed to the very many positive comments in the TweetAdder review blogs.


TweetAdder review – what do the users say about it?tweetadder review

If you research and read about TweetAdder review over the internet you will love and like it. I have read very many reviews, comments, opinions and suggestions about the TweetAdder and surprisingly I have never come across negative one. They are all positive and in support of this software.


TweetAdder review – what are its advantages?

I am satisfied with the TweetAdder because it is very easy to find the targeted followers by use of it. This is how I do it, I find the targeted people, after getting the right people I tweet and add them and guess what? They just follow me.

I follow those people that have keywords like ‘internet marketing’ in their tweets or as part of their Twitter bio (profile).  I also use other keywords that are related to my online marketing business.

I am sure this TweetAdder review will enable you make the right decision and choice if this type of tool is useful in your marketing campaigns. If you want to use this tool click the banner below for TweetAdder information.

tweetadder review

Market Samurai Rank Tracker

The 2 major tools to use.

1) Recommended Market Samurai Rank Tracker

2) Free Option -> Search Engine Reports

Training Notes


Tracking Progress
SEO Keywords

Blogging, Article Marketing, Videos for SEO

1) pick keyword
2) create content (article or video)
3) publish it
4) promote it (backlinks, traffic) *many stop here
5) tracking

It’s near impossible to get to a destination if you don’t know where you going. Better yet, where are you now?

Today (recorded) -> Future (take a look back)market samurai

Market Samurai ->

analytics -> find how much traffic is coming in PER keyword
google analytics
stat counter

helping you spend your time wisely.

Replay Video Capture Demo Showdown

Okay, let’s go ahead and scale back and not cover all of those software packages of this replay video capture tutorial.

The initial thought was to do a walk through of screen flow, iShowU HD, Camtasia, and even Jing.

Didn’t get to go through it all but I do touch on all 4 and will do another training to dive deeper into ScreenFlow.

This is an internal training to my personal team. Those looking to work with online marketers like myself can inquire about working with us by looking at this presentation -> Click Here To Join My Online Mastermind Team

Replay Video Capture Demo Showdown – ScreenFlow vs iShowU HD vs Camtasia vs Jing


*this is shot with a demo version of screenflow*

Notes from training Below for this Replay Video Capture Demo

Replay Video Capture Demo Showdown

Basics with Lawrence Tam

Process flow
1) capture
2) save
3) export
3a) extra compression (only for high speed capture)
4) upload

Capturing Videos Of Your Computer


1) Capture something of interest (training)
2) Hard Drive Space
3) Some computer power for compression and recording
-save (right after recording)
-export (after editing and sending to a video website)
-*compression* – need speed
-high speed internet for uploading

Players in Screen Capture Software

-built for macs from the ground up
-tons of updates
-$30 (cheap!!!) (updates have been free so far)
-**by far the FASTEST “save & export feature” out there**

-after long recording say over 45min it tends to crash. (this could be fixed with more updates)
-Editing after save (before export) – HIDE a section (user info)

2) Camtasia for mac

-by far the most established in the industry but started with PC
-editing after savereplay video capture

– slow in terms of “save and export”. Export is pitifully slow.
-$99 (need updates)

3) Screenflow
– is mac based
-has editing like camtasia
-for a mac user seems more user friendly
-if your capturing live video this is a great piece of software.

-$99 (needs updates)
-auto smartfocus like camtasia (never got it to work with camtasia)

4) Jing
– free version

– 15min max
– free version has no mpeg4
– 2gb max (not really a problem if using 15min)
– capture videos (unless using pro)

5) QuickTime Pro ($30??)
paid version and functions more like ishowUHD in that there is no editing

Basic Exporting Details

1- use mpeg 4 export
2- keep it smaller (640w x 400h) = keeps smaller files for archiving and increasing export time.
3- audio about 112-128 bits
4- extra compression can be found with HandBrake

This replay video capture presentation demo is shot with a ScreenFlow Trial Software.

Join My Mastermind Team by Clicking Here

ViralURL Review To Help In Your Decision And Choice

The ViralURL Review is especially of great importance if you want to know more about this link cloaking service.  If you are new to this service you may ask what ViralURL is. As an online marketer, I will explain this in a very simple and clear language.


ViralURL Review – what is the ViraURL?

ViraURL refers to service for link cloaking; it comes with  various money making and  marketing tools including downline mailer, list builder  various tools for  advertising,  an affiliate program and  system mailer -for the members that are upgraded.


This link cloaking service was originally built for the purpose or protecting the affiliate marketers against the rampant commission fraud.  It is sad to note that a lot of money estimated to be thousands of dollars made through commissions by the hardworking affiliate marketers is stolen by unscrupulous individuals over the internet.  This is morally wrong and a criminal offence.


ViraURL presents a very simple and easy way of protecting all your affiliate links for the purpose of getting the full rewards from your marketing efforts. This feature is among those which have made the ViralURL Review sites receive   very many positive comments over the internet.


I like this program and I have made thousands of dollars selling it to the people that love and like it. You can also make a lot of money by selling this program or by using it in building traffic to your website. If you drive more traffic to your website you will realize higher ranking at the internet search engines coupled with increasing sales.


ViralURL Review – how to use this link cloaking service

The comments on ViralURL Review blogs and sites are to the effect that this link cloaking service is very easy and simple to use.   You are just required to sign up for free. After signing up you should visit the cloaking section and then enter the link to be cloaked.viralurl review


The cloaking process is very quick and it takes only few seconds. Every click to your link will earn you some credits of advertising. The advertising credits can be used with the ViraURL system.  You are allowed to customize the links to suit your needs and interests.


You can even track the links you have cloaked so as to know how many clicks they have so far received. This way, you will be driving more traffic to your website. If you are an online marketer like me then you must like the ViraURL service. I urge you to post your comment at the ViralURL Review blogs and sites so that you can guide others about this service.


ViralURL Review – the advantages of using this link cloaking service

If you visit any of the various ViralURL Review blogs and sites you will notice the positive comments from the users especially regarding the various levels of membership that this link cloaking service offers to the users. These membership levels are Free, Gold, Diamond, Platinum, Silver and Elite.


Free membership gives you access to the link cloaking service only.  If you are an online marketer like me or you do another home based online business then you should consider upgrading to these other membership levels so that you can benefit from the marketing tools that come with the service.


ViralURL WhiteList E-mailer?

The part of ViralURL review I will not cover is their ability to send emails to white listed subscribers. Yes… subscribers 😉 This is not a free part of ViralURL so I won’t dive too much into it as the majority of the people using ViralURL want it’s free features which rock. But if your a marketer who is looking to reach a random audience of buyers well this is a great supplement to your marketing efforts. I said supplement because you don’t just want to e-mail random people every 3 day  and hope someone buys. This is an automated feature for paid members. I think that feature alone makes it a winner but I won’t dive too much into it and just say every 3 days I mail 3,000 people an email 😉


Based on the above, my ViralURL Review is 4 out of 5 stars.

viralurl review