Overwhelmed and Frustrated Online, So What’s Working Now (WWN)?

Maybe you were in my position and you just didn’t have a clue where to start or what to do. You didn’t know who to trust and for the most part didn’t want to pay anyone for information you can find for free online right?

Then you woke up.

Then you realized online marketing is crazy deep. There are so many things you would have to learn to really make it online like Copywriting, PPC Marketing, Article Marketing, Social Network Marketing, Blogging, Email Marketing…..

Maybe you felt like this fella –>>

Then like many people you keep seeing success stories after success stories. You noticed that normal people were actually making it online and were really generating MLM Leads for the MLM Opportunity.

Shoot, maybe you even saw me in the last year spike to over 1500 + leads in the month of February and all of that was done part time.

See, the internet isn’t that complicated once you bite off pieces you can chew.

If you really just want to cut to the chase click the Link Below.

What’s Working Now (WWN)

With this information you can start producing and sometimes it’s as easy as it is on TV 😉

Press The Button —>>>

Engineering Your Success,
Lawrence Tam

Choosing A MLM Opportunity

Can anyone make money in a MLM Opportunity?

If you have been in the industry long enough and known enough people who have attempted this then the answer is yes of course. The real answer most are seeking is can you make enough? Continue reading

Is Bashing Other MLM Companies Not Okay Even If Their Middle Name Is Ponzi Scheme?

So I had a student of mine who recently read one of my company reviews recently and didn’t like what I had to say. For the most part I am pretty indifferent to companies and just give out some simple facts and lead to the fact that their upline and company doesn’t give a rats arse about them in marketing.

Building mlm companies through friends and families can work and that is how most companies are built. I give a solution to helping reps in those businesses to realize there are other ways to generate leads and the Internet is one big one I personally utilize.

But with this strategy you will be bound to step on toes. Why? You can’t be right 100% of the time but guess what, this is why this is YOUR opinion. Even if your data is incorrect you should encourage reps in those businesses to come and leave you a message that maybe you don’t have the correct entry level price or maybe you had some facts incorrect.

That being the case you just received feedback making your blog or review post all the more relevant with more traffic. The more attention you can gather the better.

Of course if you do it just for the shock factor that is not something I recommend and shouldn’t be used to generate traffic. Kind of like calling something a scam only to say this is the best mlm company ever.

But you know what, when your researching hundreds of different companies looking to see who would be a good candidate for review you are bound to run into some ponzi schemes. Continue reading

Welcome Back MyLeadSystemPro ex-member ;)

It’s been some time since you took part in trying to build a business online.

Think back and remember WHY you found me and wanted MyLead SystemPro and my team to help you build your business.

Remember those emails and even that postcard I sent you when you joined? Some even got a call from my assistant.
Now you have moved on but how has time treated you?

  • Have you made it big?
  • Did you accomplish what you wanted with your business?
  • Are you making it big with traditional offline meetings?
  • Did you accomplish what you wanted online with something else?
  • Are you still in the same situation? Are you STILL Struggling?
  • Still broke? Still looking for answers? Still looking for someone to work with to HELP you?

Whatever the case I would love to reconnect. We probably fell out of touch by email so I wanted to send you a card.

Just to do a quick recap of what I’ve been doing and what I’ve accomplished ALL ONLINE with MLSP is:
1) Generated over 10,000 leads using this 7 day bootcamp I created for my team and guests. Not sure if you were around when I made it but your welcome to dive in for free: Internet Lead Generation Bootcamp by Lawrence Tam
2) Sponsored over 30+ people in 3 months all from the internet because I dedicated myself to learning HOW. I’ve put aside all of the excuses and found out business isn’t easy but if you understand WHY someone would want to work with you and your biz it makes it that much easier. EX: trying to tell someone something tastes good in an email isn’t going to work.
3) I’ve groomed a lot of people along the way -> Lawrence’s Testimonials
4) And if you didn’t know I am STILL here to help you make some money. If you called me before I’ve returned 100% of those calls. If you have emailed me (without pitching = spam box) I have responded. Connect with me again.

Here is what I’ve been up to and HOW I can help you turn the corner if your not there. ( I am one of the creators )
Lawrence Tam ListBuilder 4.0 Presentation

Comment below and email me back LawrenceMLM @ G mail .com

Engineering Your Success,
Lawrence Tam

PS. If you are still not getting financially free, it is time you sit down with me and discuss your future. It can change IF you take action. So What is the Best MLM Opportunity?