Phone Burner Review: Pros and Cons Of This System Of Calling Leads

Phone Burner Review

phone burner

phone burner

Phone Burner, aka phoneburner,  is a leading internet tool that does a lot of different things. In a nutshell Phone Burner is a program that takes your leads and uploads it to an automatic dialer that speed dials numbers. Now this might seem simplistic but understand that if you have hundreds of phone numbers to call the physical time it takes to dial a number, wait for it to pick up, listen if it’s an answering machine, hang up, and then dial the next number. Phone burner does this hands free. Submit leads with phone numbers and it will dial them for you. If you get used to the phoneburner system it will even mute the dialing sound so you can be doing chores around the house and it will just connect you when a live person is connected to.

My Phone Room

my phone room

PhoneBurner Skipping Calls

The secondary power of PhoneBurner is the ability to skip voice mails and answering machine. So you record in your own voice your message you would like to leave. When the phone burner system detects a voice mail box it automatically switches you to another line and starts to dial while it leaves your recorded message on the previous caller. What this does is prevent you from having to leave hundreds of the same voice message personally. It will free up time by not having to listen to someone’s voice mail and the system will leave your pre-recorded voice message an auto pilot while your waiting for the system to connect you to the next line. This works amazingly well.

PhoneBurner Third Bonus

The Third bonus is being able to send out an email to the ones you leave a message to. The ability to contact your leads in multiple ways and doing it on autopilot is a real time saver. The email will be stored and when a voice mail is detected the phoneburner system sends the email plus voice message on autopilot while the system switched you over to the next line. This takes place quickly and allows most to rip through leads who are not at their phone.

But not all is peachy with Phone Burner. So the question is…

Should You Buy Phone Burner?

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Lawrence Tam

Facebook For PPC Tracking Program Dead

Straight from the horses mouth Facebook just notified me that they don’t like outside advertisers. Is it me or is this just another round of the Google slap coming around again.

Don’t believe me?

Check out what they told me today.

“Hi Lawrence,

Thank you for participating in the Facebook Ads beta conversion tracking program. After reviewing extensive feedback from beta participants, we’ve decided to discontinue the beta program, effective next month.

What This Means for Your Business
If you use a Facebook conversion tracking tag on your own website, you’ll be able to collect tracking data through the beta feature until October 20, 2010, and you’ll be able to view historical conversion data through November 1, 2010.

Note: This change only affects conversion tracking pixels used outside of Facebook. We’ll continue to automatically track and report on conversions for your Facebook Page or Event.

Thanks again for your participation in this beta program. We look forward to bringing you new features to support your advertising experience in the coming months!

Best Regards,
The Facebook Ads Team”

What this is essentially saying is screw all of you who want to track internally with Facebook and you gotta do it externally. This isn’t impossible to do but for a program that makes Facebook millions, if not close to billions soon, it just doesn’t make sense that a simple tracking option isn’t available. Google, Yahoo, Bing all have tracking integration and it just makes it easy to see very quickly which campaigns are performing. Facebook already had it backwords when they didn’t show it that day of but now it’s even worst by not allowing tracking within Facebook PPC.

What else are you guys using to track externally for PPC these days? If you plan to use Facebook for PPC marketing you better have other systems in place to track now.

Engineering Your Success,
Lawrence Tam

PS> Graduate From My 7 Day Internet Lead Generation Bootcamp