Are You This Kind Of Online Marketing Expert?

Are this kind of Online Marketing Expert?

Online Marketing Expert?

Be a real online marketing expert and not a puppet.

Don’t be a freak. Learn to market like a real person online.Online Marketing Expert

To be a real online marketing expert you need to decide if you want to be a freak or a real person. To many just want to throw up their new opportunity when in the eyes of the prospect you just look plain scary.

Online Marketing Expert Training

Dive into my free Facebook training and stop being just creepy.

Click here for your ->  ONLINE MARKETING TRAINING

Engineering Your Success
Lawrence Tam

Writing Articles For Money? How Many Does It Take?

Are You Writing Articles For Money?

So I have been a huge supporter of writing articles to drive traffic to anything and can pretty much be summed up as writing articles for money.

I am a true believer or “Leaders are Readers” and why I write so much.

The other day I was awarded this Gift from EzineArticles for accomplishing 100 articles in 100 days.

writing articles for money

Ezine Articles expert author

This was a nice gift and goes to show my business is moving and shaking.

So. Continue reading

Why Do Businesses Fail Especially Online?

So I wanted to bring  you part 2 of Mr. Beistle’s training on how he achieved success and he was diving into “why do businesses fail” concept.

If you missed my previous post on business building with Mr. Beistle’s Here is Part One – The Golden Rule of MLM Recruiting


Why Do Businesses Fail?

I briefly talked about this in previous posts but I wanted to put the entire training in it’s entirety here.

Here is what Mr. Beistle had to say:

I know the title of this chapter is extremely harsh, and you probably don’t want to hear it. The good news is that I will show you how to avoid failure. So be sure to read every word of this chapter.

Now I’m sure you know how important following up with all of your prospects is so I won’t get too in-depth here. But the sad truth is that this is were the vast majority of networkers drop the ball mostly through no fault of their own.

Why Do Businesses Fail

Why Do Businesses Fail?

I’ve personally coached and mentored hundreds, if not thousands of people over the years, and because of it, I’ve gained tremendous insight into why people succeed and why the majority businesses fail.

The top reason why people fail is because they simply don’t market or advertise their business. Thankfully there’s a really easy solution to this problem – start marketing and advertising your business!

But it’s the second reason why do businesses fail that we’re really interested in. And sadly, it’s also one of the hardest to fix.

Reason #2 why people fail with their business is because they fail to follow up with their prospects properly. I’ve identified three main reasons why this happens. They are: Continue reading

MyPhoneRoom Version 2 Launched

My good friend Mr Beistle had some really good points I wanted to reproduce today in his launching of his flagship MyPhoneRoom services. Leaders in our industry always talk about working with people who have more and know more. Well, this is exactly why I listen to Mr. Beistle. He owns the outsourcing system I use today called myphoneroom. I use this for many reasons but felt watching this video would be a nice change of pace.

MyPhoneRoom Solutions Provider

Here are some common facts of 90% of the people I train

  1. Most are part time
  2. Most want to start making $1000/month quickly
  3. Most hate cold calling
  4. Most have no clue how a funded proposal works, let alone why they need one
  5. Most don’t have enough time to qualify prospects
  6. Most have no leverage
  7. Most have very little success online building their business
  8. Most don’t have the energy to call their leads
  9. Most haven’t had enough success and can’t establish leverage into WHY prospect should listen to them
  10. Some, not most, don’t even have long distance phone calling!

Please Be Patient – The video may appear to hang while loading.

MyPhoneRoom Personal Bonuses from Lawrence Tam

Since I’ve worked with Mr. Beistle’s team at myphoneroom for awhile now so here are your bonuses:

  1. The current bonus offer in this video above is dead.. right? You never know…. Tell them Lawrence Tam sent you and let’s see if we can get some of those bonuses re-activated
  2. I will send you MY personal script I use
  3. I will send you MY personal work flow
  4. I will spend 1 hr consultation with you on what you need to do to explode your business with automation.
  5. I will mentor to get you up to speed on generating leads and building your own funded proposal.

Log in and see what professional outsourcing with MyPhoneRoom can do for your business when your no longer talking to tire kickers

Click Banner Below For
MyPhoneRoom Version 2



Engineering Your Success,
Lawrence Tam

MyPhoneRoom Package Brakedown

MyPhoneRoom Review Prior to v.2 release

How To Rank On Google And Make Bank Fast

So there tends to be a lot of people hyping what they have done with no physical results.

Here is something I want you to chew on.

Pictures are a beautiful tool (*not typical and no way do I guarantee you can do this but these are legit numbers)

How To Rank On Google With the elevation group

How To Rank On Google And Bank Fast

So essentially, with a keyword with 23 million broad competition on Google I have been able to pull in over $2,000 in 3 days. Now this isn’t too shabby.

But Lawrence, WHY would you show someone how to rank on google if they will be more competition to you?

Personally, I believe in abundance and those who really enjoy what I teach will personally want to learn from me directly. In the end, I know 99% of the people out there will do nothing with the information I give. The 1% who do will stand up and contact me to learn more about the secret sauce.

If you didn’t realize…. I am interviewing YOU.

Sounds odd I know but if you didn’t realize I am actually filtering out business partners by seeing how SERIOUS they are. My time is worth more than you can imagine. I do NOT want to work with the lazy and those who want a free hand out. There is a reason why I shelter myself from tire kickers and lottery type mentality prospects.

My goal is to see HOW dedicated you are and how teachable you are. If you really are determined and you like the way I teach then it’s time you step up.


Your homework to learn how to rank on google I want you to do this:

1)  Graduate from my 7 day internet lead generation course. When you graduate you will understand my general SEO strategy.

2) Get Traffic Cipher as your basic foundation to SEO. This is a must if you want to learn how to rank on google fast.


When your ready to rock and roll and
learn how to rank on google

2 main ways you can work with me directly

1) I charge a $100/hr consulting fee. Email me. My email is in my bootcamp so just subscribe from above to contact me.

2) Sign up as an Executive in my MasterMind Team . When you join my internal team you will get my current training live once per week and see what I’m doing on an on going basis.  (international users, contact me for other options)

Engineering Your Success,
Lawrence Tam