Grow Your Business Like A Champ Not A Chump

Do you know the difference on how to grow your business like a champ and not like a chump?

They sure do sound like the same thing but many don’t know the difference. How can I tell?grow your business

I just take a glance at their business and how they market it online. Many have good intentions but the way they setup their business it’s just not going to work in the long run.

3 Essential Steps To Grow Your Business Online

1) Your business needs marketing.

I don’t know how many times I’ve told one of my students that one of their biggest problems is not respecting the game of marketing. Many want to make it big and sell a ton of products or services. Now that’s cool they feel that whatever they are selling could sell itself but if that was the case they could just put it up and people would gobble it up. Most will not succeed with some marketing.

Many market their business opportunity, service, and products the wrong way. Information noise has increased more and more as the years go by with more integration with internet and traditional methods. People’s attention span are getting short and harder to infiltrate due to walls that are built up over time.

Shouting is the way to get ahead.  umm, NO. Continue reading

How To Market Your Business Even If It’s A MLM Business

Ever wonder how to market your business on the internet even it’s a MLM business? I remember when I first got into the business of MLM or network marketing that the more I looked the more obstacles were put in front of me. Many advertising outlets didn’t like the word MLM or even if you renamed it network marketing it just didn’t matter.  Regardless of the legitimacy of the business it just didn’t matter because the legit businesses were lumped in with the shady ones so it just didn’t matter.

How to Market Your Business Online

See, one of the tricky things about marketing is that your not always welcome regardless of your “good” intentions. One of those outlets for many in the network marketing industry flocked to Google Pay Per Click. Google was the grand daddy for thousands of savvy network marketers who wanted to market their business online. One of the most sought after traits was how to market your business using Google Pay Per Click and those who grasped it exploded their to market your business

That was one of my biggest jumps for my business and one I would recommend if the Internet Marketing landscape didn’t change so frequently.

How To Market Your Business Online – Adapt

One of the main keys to my success in building my network marketing business was being able to adapt to change. If there was one skill to learn it is to….

Move with change and adapt your marketing to follow suit.

Most new to the industry are always looking for the magic bullet to explode their business. Sure in the short run that could help boost what your doing but the more essential trait is to learn how to “LEARN”.

I believe in school and in college that was one of the defining skills that was taught. How to do research and apply what you learn. This is critical in anything in life and those that totally grasp this explode their business.

How To Market Your Business Like A Champ Online?

If your passion is to build a thriving direct sales, affiliate marketing, network marketing, or even consulting business want to use the most current marketing practices today then it’s essential you use what I use: My Lead System Pro.

In terms of just being up to date on changes (most practices and methods change every 3-6 months), it’s essential to being able to research new methods or have others teach you what you they have learned.

Essentially, anything you learn today could be quickly outdated or replaced within months. So learning only one method and placing all of your eggs in that one basket is dangerous. Be flexible and work with those who know more than you.

Continue to grow your business by investing in yourself. That is the #1 way to ensure success. Stop blaming others for your failures and take responsibility for your own business buy learning and keeping up to date on methods that are working.

How do you know if they work?

Testing and following leaders who make it happen online is a great plan. Leaders leave clues so get  your act together and shape your mind for the long road of growing a business.

If your a novice, intermediate, or even an advanced online network marketer there is something for you in terms of the weekly trainings that touch everything from social network marketing to advanced SEO backlinking.

Your Next Step is to click the banner below to:

Learn How To Market Your Business Online

how to market your business

Virtual Employee – Can You Afford It?

Getting a virtual employee for your business is the best way to do business in this era of tough competition. In terms of finances and assistance, the virtual employees hired by you will definitely perform at par in comparison with the other employees.

So Why A Consider Virtual Employee?

Virtual employees work in teams and they use team collaboration software’s to conduct as wellvirtual employee as manage the daily business. Virtual teams are primarily consisted of staff members, supervisors, clients and partners with outsourced professional in general cases. They provide small businesses a valuable and cost effective team to work with.

Virtual employees or we can say virtual assistants do not make you spend hefty financial resources on them. Unlike the real staff and employees they don’t demand your contribution for unemployment insurance and payroll taxes like stuff. You don’t even need to invest too much for hardware to let them settle down in your office. They work on internet and that is where you can have the maximum output from.

When you hire a virtual employee you actually utilize four underlying benefits of this act.

Benefits would be like hiring no-employees, members may be anywhere, but would certainly work for you; you can get real time communication with them, and last is that you will attain ease and efficiency in everything they do. Continue reading

Google Gothic – Yes There Is A Demand

I was digging around and yes I found that there is a Google Gothic Site.

Well, it’s not really a site but more of a re-branded google search engine with a Gothic twist. There are a couple of other sites where they are social sites but for the most part it’s to sit on the brand of Google.

This reminds me of like shopping at Costco or Sam’s club when they do their re-branding of their products.


These other sites are stripped down powered versions of google.

So what is the Deal With Google Gothic

Is there really a demand for this? It’s a stripped version and really it’s not using all the technologies of Google. The upper toolbar for calender, documents, and others are gone. The google places and maps are all disabled. It’s like a cheap version of Google.

So why the draw?

Why do people want it?

It boils down to this picture ->

People want their style and variations to life. Even at the expense of quality or features. It’s just the way it is.

If your looking for some Google Gothic sites there are plenty of social sites around and if your looking for a rebranded google experience go right ahead.

Just make sure you are not hampered by the rebranded website and use it for it’s intention: Finding Search Information.

If you were really particular in the color scheme of your browser you could always re-skin it and make the default backgrounds darker to fit your mood without sacrificing all the features inside of the google sphere.

Searching For Google Gothic

Regardless if your looking for that term or not you will realize the internet is a huge place to play in and better yet to make bank with.

Check out my free training on how to bring more traffic to your websites regardless if it’s “google gothic” 🙂

google gothic

Google Keyword Sandbox Real?

The Google Keyword Sandbox is alive and kicking. If you have been doing a good amount of website creation, article marketing, SEO, blogging, and video marketing you would have experienced this before.

So What Is The Google Keyword Sandbox?

The Google Keyword Sandbox is a normal occurrence a market will experience if they build too many links to their website too quickly.The normal rankings for the site in terms of SERP will basically drop the site off the radar in dramatic keyword sandbox

So Is the Google Keyword Sandbox Bad?

Many webmaster fear the google keyword sandbox because the whole point of search engine marketing is to get found organically with search engines and especially with  Google. More experienced marketers will probably have experienced one or both of these results with a google sandbox.

1) The site gets google keyword sandboxed and drops off the rankings and stays there for some time.

2) The sit gets google keyword sandboxed and drops off but reappears at a higher ranking. Continue reading

Ways To Save Money – To Pay For Your Business

In the process of living a better life many are always looking to make money but that should actually be paired up to ways to save money to pay for the business.ways to save money

Many in the home business arena fail to succeed primarily due tot he fact that they are short on cash. Sure, having an initial investment to start up is one thing but how about the daily costs that start to stack up?

  • Initial Business  Cost
  • Recurring Business Costs
  • Upgrades and Maintenance
  • Advertising
  • and so on

There are a lot of different things that go into running a business and the costs will continue to build well past the initial investment.

That’s the real reason so many fail in a home based business. Running out of cash.

So here are a couple of ways to save money and pay for your business.

3 Killer Ways To Save Money For Your Business Continue reading