Summer Jobs For High School Students – Stuck In A Cycle?

While on vacation I’ve been thinking about what people do to make money. While at magic mountain I was checking out the friendly people who worked there and what are some summer jobs for high school students. Obviously the people working the rides and managing the thousands don’t do it for a career path, right?

Summer Jobs For High School Students – Mindset

It’s okay for a 18 year old high school student or even a college student to to and get a quick job to trade some time for money. Sure the pay might suck but what else are  your options, right?

Well, kids are kids and they don’t know better. They are told to go to school and get a good job. If your “lucky” you will find something you can maybe go ahead and make a career out of.Summer Jobs For High School Students


Why do so many people that I come in contact with go into careers that either don’t pay enough or they just plain hate? If your not getting paid then at least do it for passion. I just don’t how driving a public transit bus or picking up garbage can be for passion or to a career path.

The only thing I can maybe think of is that they have given up OR just know better? Sure there are special situations but there has to be a time in place when one takes a look at what they have accomplished and where they are going.

That’s the real problem. People get stuck in the mindset of summer jobs for high school students, and when they wake up they are 40 with kids. By that time it’s too late… right? Continue reading

Learn How To Make Extra Money To Support Your Passion – Day 4

It’s all about living your life. Let’s get the ship pointed in the right direction.

Learn how to make extra money to support our passion. If your passionless (I hope not) then let’s get paid vs just getting by.

Check out this video then learn how to make extra money to support your passion.

Get some free training on marketing online and what I do to support my passions.

7 Day Free Online Training

Texas Food Stamps – Learn To Fish Or Just Get Some Stamps?

Texas food stamps can be a big thing. I get it.

Many people in this country need it and live on it. But should it be that way?

Are food stamps a temporary fix like a spare tire or is it something that should be depended on day in and day out?

Texas Food Stamps – Better of Worse?

The purpose of having food stamps in the first place is to give assistance, state assistance, to those who need it. Going hungry shouldn’t happen in the USA.


Is this a life preserver or a stop gap to educating how to get back on your feet and be self sufficient.

The Houston Newspaper, found here, had run some information back in 2010 why Texas Food Stamps program is the bottom 50 for the nation. It’s bad for those who need it but does it help the cause as a whole?texas food stamps

“Texas does not have enough workers to process food stamp applications and is one of only three states that fingerprints applicants for food assistance.”

Not having enough workers to process food stamps for those who need it is a problem, but having a process in place to ONLY give food stamps to those who need it for the short term in my opinion is an absolute must.

If the freebie program funded by tax payers, I’m a Texas resident, I want to make sure those who do qualify get their food and those who don’t qualify to STEP OFF and “learn to fish”.

I would much rather see education go into teaching how grown adults can make some money versus baby a grown adult. Kids are different. Kids don’t know better and need to sheltered until of age. But grown adults who come under hardship should get a chance to recover just not LIVE on it.

Texas Food Stamps – You Don’t Like Food?

The long delay dissuades other eligible people from applying, Concannon said.

Umm, if your hungry your going to keep applying. If your faking it for free food and it’s taking too long your probably going to leach onto something else that is easier.

Instead of making it where people can not fail why not treat life like a game where you have the ability to get back on your feet to better yourself and not just live at the bottom. There is no need to live off of the government long term unless your handicapped to an extent. Our will to survive should take you forward and the only reason people do NOT push on is because it’s just easier to get some free Texas food stamps.
Get your stuff in gear, get help, and then get going. The truly motivated will, the lazy won’t.

Food Stamps Trend

texas Food Stamps
With the invention of the internet more and more can get OFF Of living from the big brother and start living your own life. Educate yourself on the matters of internet marketing and do it even free.
My gift to society is the training that is necessary to work online and not even dress up for an interview. Most of this can be done from even a public library.
Here is my 7 day bootcamp series – teaching online marketing and how to sell something online.
food stamps

Learn to Fish

Day 1 in the Desert

Thanks to all who made my success online a dream come true. I’m not filthy rich but dang looking back a couple years…….. why didn’t I learn online marketing years ago?

Thanks for everyone’s support and the people who has helped me progress to hopefully being the leader you deserve.

day 1 in the desert

Learn to Fish

Little Tikes Playhouse – Time To Upgrade

As of this writing you might have not known that my 2 little kiddos are 4 and 6 and both love to mess around in all kinds of Little Tikes Playhouse sets. I have no clue what the fascination is but my kids play with the all of the time like it’s drawing them with some unknown magnetic effect.

Little Tikes Endless Adventures Tikes Tlittle tikes playhouseown

This was one of the sets that my kids play with all of the time at the local toy store near us at Toys R Us. They just loved the different aspects of the playhouse. I think most display units are chosen because of setup or ease of sale. This Little Tikes Playhouse set sells like gangbusters due to the price point and general size of the unit.

I normally or lets say almost 90% of the time try and go out with the family when doing errands. I would say 100% of the time we have gone into Toys R Us and they have a display of this little tikes playhouse it’s a sure thing they go and play in it. I remember countless times my kiddos would just play in that ONE set while my wife went to get baby stuff or look for some deals for gifts. I think most times they would even play the entire time so I would just hover in that area taking my phone calls for my internet marketing business while the kids are playing around.

If your wondering, the picture to the right is not of my 2 kids or my wife 😉

What is even more telling is that if there are other kids in the area they are all drawn to this little tikes playhouse. It’s like how kids want to play on a jungle gym set when they see one. This is the shiny toy they are pulled to play with. It’s fun and I don’t have to worry about them hurting themselves with this one too.

Little Tikes Playhouse – Requirements

As a father I generally look at a couple things:

  1. Price (who doesn’t?)
  2. Size
  3. Complexity
  4. Durability
  5. Longevity (lasting appeal, will they keep using?)
  6. Possible re-sale?
  7. Shipping and Transportation (will it fit in my Van?)
  8. Something better (more or less expensive?) Continue reading

College Tuition Increases – How You Paying It?

Are college tuition increases one of the major things that bother you today?

I loved my college. My time at the university of texas at austin was great. My parents paid my way and it was expensive. Graduating in 2000 what do you think that same degree is worth now?

It’s a bit scary to think my 2 little kids (4 and 6) will be going to college to a state school to cost over $250k for a 4 year degree.

How are people going to pay for this?

I’ve invested heavily last couple years and have practically pre-paid my 2 kids tuitions using the Texas Tomorrow Fund and the 529 Plan with the Utah Plan.

My kids I hope will be set with my early planning. That is my backup.


I do not think a college education guarantees financial success.

I strongly believe financial freedom is developed by the HUNGER to wanting to learn. That’s it.

IF your HUNGRY and enjoy learning you will be successful because you will find a way. Being taught to think inside the box is not the only way to make it. We don’t live in a box.

Check out this video and let me know your thoughts.

So now you know why I have partnered with a business that sells silver and gold. Understanding asset allocation and preparing for hyperinflation IF it were to happen.

Being prepared and being ready for If SH*T Happens is a goo plan in my book.

Fight College Tuition Increases by being financial informed and collecting assets vs debt.

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2010 MS70 PCGS Silver American Eagle (First Strike)