Ways to save money on a tight budget

It is no surprise that we all want ways to save on money, especially in this wavering economy. I have heard and seen a whole slew of different money saving tips and tricks over the years and if you are looking for some, these tips and techniques may help you out.ways to save money on a tight budget

First off, if you are frequently going out to concerts, clubs bars or movies then you may want to consider cutting back on some of that in order to save on money. Shoppers are always people looking for ways to save money on a tight budget but really all they need to do is cut back on their shopping habits. For the serious shoppers you have to wean yourself off of the addiction by shopping at thrift stores, on days with deals or avoiding any shopping temptation all together.

Even with this electronic world we live in there are only about 4 hours of television being watched each day in the average household. Getting out and enjoying free and fun activities can be one of the best ways to save money on a tight budget you can find like going hiking, walks in the park, jogging or even free public workouts in the park where available. Plus, saving money on a cable bill will definitely help you save some money at the end of each month. Continue reading

How To Retire Early And Tips You Can Use

How To Retire Early

Even people in their twenties want to know how they can plan to retire early but with the economic states of numerous countries, it is hard to determine is that is a real possibility or not. Sure, you may be able to actually retire at an early age but will the money you be bringing in monthly be enough to cover all of your expenses? Knowing how much money you need each month will really help you out in determining when you can actually retire. I can see why quite a few people get overwhelmed when they research how they can retire early because it may require you to have quite a bit of money. If you really want to know how to retire early one of the best places to start is looking at your own income.

If you have noticed that the income you currently make will not provide enough retirement money to support you then you may need to come up with a Plan B. For those of you who are young enough, you may want to consider doing another job somewhere else in order to make the amount of money in retirement that you will need. Continue reading

Best Cities to Retire In?

While Florida and Arizona used to be the best cities to retire in now days there is a list of some different kinds of places! Apparently the cliché Florida retiree bit just doesn’t fit the mold for everyone out there. This is mostly in part to new retiree ages and they are of a whole different generation than the baby boomers were. The new generation of retirees seems to be attracted to different things and these cities have made the list for being the best to retire in, and here is why.best cities to retire


Best Cities To Retire In

1.      Austin, Texas: The amount of people ages 55-64 have increased by 110 percent in Austin just in the past 10 years and it expected to go higher than that. Austin Universities and city colleges have started offering classes that allow people to continue their education and this is one of the reasons it has become one of the best cities to retire in.

2.      Atlanta, Georgia: Thanks to the diversity and low cost of living in Atlanta more and more retirees are choosing the Peaches State to live out the retired part of their lives. In the suburbs of Atlanta you can really find low costs of living but plenty to do as far as keeping yourself busy.

3.      Portland, Oregon: With so many parks, trails and activities for retirees to participate in no wonder Portland is one of the top cities for people to retire in.

4.      Boston, Mass: Whether it is the history or the beauty, Boston has definitely increased the number of retirees and potential retirees in the past few years.

5.      Milwaukee, Wisconsin: If you can stand the super frigid winters with snow this beauty of a city may appeal to you. While it is a bit too cold for me it seems more and more people are choosing the beautiful but cold scenery to retire to.

6.      Sante Fe, New Mexico: Warm weather, breath taking views and very rich history are just a few of the things that make Sante Fe one of the best cities to retire in. Continue reading

How To Find The Best Part Time Jobs

If you are in the market for work and want to find the best part time jobs then you have probably just looked around locally. Depending on how much money you are trying to make or hours you need to get, you could end up working in the customer service field, a warehouse or even driving a school bus. I have worked and had friends work various part time jobs so I know there are a lot of ways to work part time out there. You could drive a school bus part time, offer tutoring or teaching services, work at a local book store or chain retail store or even work for a catering company.best part time jobs

You can either search for the part time jobs open in your area online or in your newspaper or you could even start up your own part time business. You could make your own jewelry and sell it, offer handy man services, car audio or mechanic work, computer services or web design all could be ways to make some money on a part time basis.

If you have a passion for cooking you may even be able to find someone to hire you as their personal chef or take on that catering suggestion on your own rather than working for a company. When you think about it a part time job could be found in anything so it just comes down to what you can do, when you need to work and how much money you need to make.

Where Can I Find the Best Part Time Jobs Online?

Working online has become an excellent way to work online and is how I make my own money! Over all of those local jobs you find I would always recommend going for the good money on a part time schedule, online. I have found that people can literally make as much as they want to or need to online rather than being restricted by hourly pay rates.

How I have made my money is through online marketing and if you really want the online option, I can show you everything you need to know. However, if you want to try and find your own ways to make some part time money online then start your search off at a search engine like Google. I have found this is the best way to find numerous options all at once.

The Best Part Time Jobs: Online VS Local

When it comes to which method of part time working is the best it will really depend on what fits you the best. Not every job is great for everyone so do some job hunting so you can find the best part time jobs that interest you.

PS: Share any input you have on this below in the comments or do what I do online which starts with being able to start a website that you own and can then monetize.

When Can I Retire?

The pure shock of what I found out when attending a retirement seminar was looking at the real question of -> When Can I Retire?


Have you thought about when you can retire?

I know most don’t. It’s sad but true. Most live pay check to pay check so why even think about something 30 years later, right?


I’m 33 with 2 kids and a stay at home wife. I am the bread winner.when can i retire


Can I realistically believe I can retire? I mean, when can I retire if I were to try and provide the same type of lifestyle I’m living now?

I’ve been putting into my 401k, IRA Roth, and even buying silver the last 8+ years or so. I’m not close to being where I want to be but there are some pretty important things to think about when your thinking about when you can retire.

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My Residual Income Model To Pay For My Vacations

I’ve been traveling for a bit and hitting Palm Springs and Hawaii has been pretty fun. Check out my residual income model on how I use the internet to build my side businesses while I work a full time Mechanical Engineering job.

Do You Have A Residual Income Model In Place?

One of the truly obvious observations when traveling is that the rich vacation a LOT more than normal people. Is it because they have more vacation time or that they leverage different income streams to become what Tim Ferris calls the new rich?

It’s not the whole thing about being a millionaire. I’m not a millionaire at all but I live a very active and fun lifestyle traveling the world with my family and living debt free. It just boggles the mind as I watch people work their jobs that it’s a dead end for them. I mean who wants to clean rooms for a career? Sure cleaning rooms for a bit to get your feet under you to get a higher paying job but that is the type of mentality that will never get you to a point to flying first class.residual income model

Residual Income Model – Generate Income 24 hrs a Day

One of the traits of someone who is the “new rich” that Tim Ferris talks about is that most if not all have some sort of assets that are there to work FOR them. The new rich are not only there to trade their time for money. When was the last time you saw someone fly first class or pay off their car in cash by telling themselves “I just need to work overtime and get in 60 hours a week for the next 5 years”.

Being able to get to a point where you can leverage someone else’s time or leverage MONEY is when you get it. Having the ability to transform the way you earn you money is the first step in being financially free. Paying for your vacations or just being able to make some extra income without using your primary source of income. Continue reading