I get asked this so many times it’s not even funny.
How did I recruit online part time?
How did I recruit 14 people in 2 weeks?
How did I do it without chasing friends and family?
- Well for one you need to get educated. Be it read books or listen to audio tapes
- Learn what works for you. If you have no computer skills how about “How To Recruit Without Computer Skills“
- Learn to generate leads online -> Graduate from my 7 day Internet Lead Generation Course ($97 Value Free For My Guests)
- Learn from leaders. You can either learn it yourself or attach yourself to those who have done it.
That is a good starting point. If you are dead set on making it happen online like I did then it’s time you get serious and
Learn by Clicking the Link Below:
How to Recruit People Into Network Marketing
Stop making the industry harder than it needs to be. Focus and apply what you learn.
Engineering Your Success,
Lawrence Tam