How To Generate Leads Like A Pro

How To Generate Leads Like A Pro

Check this…

Most who join a business have limited to no marketing or advertising experience. Those who I do know that have a sales background make up for their lead generation shortfalls with awesome closing skills. Most people do NOT have these skills so if your looking to grow a business you better be able to learn how to generate leads like a pro.

For the most part many will struggle and that is just the natural path to growing into being in business for yourself. Many will buy ebooks and join systems to get going.

I would say the #1 place to get going has to be with My Lead System Pro. Continue reading

Magnetic Sponsoring Super Affiliate

Check it out!

I got this in the mail after coming back from a nice trip snowboarding. This was NOT expected and didn’t even know there was such a thing.

This is a pretty cool to even have this type of level. I just worked my internet marketing skills and did my thing.

I achieved this all the while doing it part time.

magnetic sponsoring super affiliate

magnetic sponsoring super affiliate

If you really want to step it up and be a super affiliate in ANYTHING you must learn online marketing. There is no other option. Learn to leverage the internet and work hard. plain and simple. Continue reading

How To Rank On Google And Make Bank Fast

So there tends to be a lot of people hyping what they have done with no physical results.

Here is something I want you to chew on.

Pictures are a beautiful tool (*not typical and no way do I guarantee you can do this but these are legit numbers)

How To Rank On Google With the elevation group

How To Rank On Google And Bank Fast

So essentially, with a keyword with 23 million broad competition on Google I have been able to pull in over $2,000 in 3 days. Now this isn’t too shabby.

But Lawrence, WHY would you show someone how to rank on google if they will be more competition to you?

Personally, I believe in abundance and those who really enjoy what I teach will personally want to learn from me directly. In the end, I know 99% of the people out there will do nothing with the information I give. The 1% who do will stand up and contact me to learn more about the secret sauce.

If you didn’t realize…. I am interviewing YOU.

Sounds odd I know but if you didn’t realize I am actually filtering out business partners by seeing how SERIOUS they are. My time is worth more than you can imagine. I do NOT want to work with the lazy and those who want a free hand out. There is a reason why I shelter myself from tire kickers and lottery type mentality prospects.

My goal is to see HOW dedicated you are and how teachable you are. If you really are determined and you like the way I teach then it’s time you step up.


Your homework to learn how to rank on google I want you to do this:

1)  Graduate from my 7 day internet lead generation course. When you graduate you will understand my general SEO strategy.

2) Get Traffic Cipher as your basic foundation to SEO. This is a must if you want to learn how to rank on google fast.


When your ready to rock and roll and
learn how to rank on google

2 main ways you can work with me directly

1) I charge a $100/hr consulting fee. Email me. My email is in my bootcamp so just subscribe from above to contact me.

2) Sign up as an Executive in my MasterMind Team . When you join my internal team you will get my current training live once per week and see what I’m doing on an on going basis.  (international users, contact me for other options)

Engineering Your Success,
Lawrence Tam

Phone Burner Review: Pros and Cons Of This System Of Calling Leads

Phone Burner Review

phone burner

phone burner

Phone Burner, aka phoneburner,  is a leading internet tool that does a lot of different things. In a nutshell Phone Burner is a program that takes your leads and uploads it to an automatic dialer that speed dials numbers. Now this might seem simplistic but understand that if you have hundreds of phone numbers to call the physical time it takes to dial a number, wait for it to pick up, listen if it’s an answering machine, hang up, and then dial the next number. Phone burner does this hands free. Submit leads with phone numbers and it will dial them for you. If you get used to the phoneburner system it will even mute the dialing sound so you can be doing chores around the house and it will just connect you when a live person is connected to.

My Phone Room

my phone room

PhoneBurner Skipping Calls

The secondary power of PhoneBurner is the ability to skip voice mails and answering machine. So you record in your own voice your message you would like to leave. When the phone burner system detects a voice mail box it automatically switches you to another line and starts to dial while it leaves your recorded message on the previous caller. What this does is prevent you from having to leave hundreds of the same voice message personally. It will free up time by not having to listen to someone’s voice mail and the system will leave your pre-recorded voice message an auto pilot while your waiting for the system to connect you to the next line. This works amazingly well.

PhoneBurner Third Bonus

The Third bonus is being able to send out an email to the ones you leave a message to. The ability to contact your leads in multiple ways and doing it on autopilot is a real time saver. The email will be stored and when a voice mail is detected the phoneburner system sends the email plus voice message on autopilot while the system switched you over to the next line. This takes place quickly and allows most to rip through leads who are not at their phone.

But not all is peachy with Phone Burner. So the question is…

Should You Buy Phone Burner?

Continue reading

I’m All For Free Traffic – How About You?

Here is the deal.

I teach there are paid methods and free traffic methods to generate traffic which can potentially turn into leads. The real key is if your a real business online are you generating enough traffic?

If you don’t know your metrics yet there is nothing better than free traffic and that is EXACTLY what my friends did.

Free Traffic Is Available IF…

If you want to dive deep into free methods of getting traffic and even leads it’s time you Click Below:

Get Your Free Traffic Copy To Dominating Google

My Buddy Raymond Fong is ready to Unleash his method to rocking it online for free with Google

Engineering Your Success,
Lawrence Tam and Raymond Fong

Raymond Fong Traffic Cipher