Making Money On The Internet Starts With

LIVE Webinar Here November 13th, 2012 – 11:30pm EST

Here is an interesting thought:

Can the average person be making money on the internet if they actually tried?

I’ve been online since 2007 and one of the common things I’ve seen that relates to online marketing is that people expect to be given the world without working for it.

I’m not saying everyone but when you have gone through literally thousands of people looking to make money there is a common theme….

Until I started to peel back the layers to see why this is.

Do you want to be Average or do you want to be making money on the internet as a career?

See there is the difference.

Most people come into internet marketing, like myself, to do it on the side and not take it seriously.

We are all busy, we have kids, a job, and a life.

We don’t want to have yet ANOTHER stress point that we need to learn or be GOOD at.

But let’s fast forward to what is possible on a long term focused effort…

Making Money On The Internet

Below is commissions from one of my affiliates. You can see the real time affiliate income disclosure where I am the #1 income earner doing it part time. Income Disclosure

Making Money On The Internet

Now I wanted to link to the income disclosures because I wanted to dive into why I have attracted and put so many people who just WANT stuff for free vs people who are looking for a career change or having the ability to change their financial situation part time.

You see…. making money on the internet is not a lottery type of hobby.

This isn’t like scratching lottery tickets in hopes of winning big. The majority of lottery winners win it and lose it… why?

It’s the mindset they have going into making that money.

Let’s think of it like this.

-If the average person your talking to is used to having the government taking care of them
-If the average person is used to working an hourly job less than say …. $25/hr
-If the average person you market to is NOT saving for their retirement
-If the average person you are talking to is living pay check to pay check

This is just an example.

What I’m getting at is depending on HOW You market your business there is going to be long term effects to how your business grows long term.

If you continue to market your affiliate income streams to making money on the internet to people who are NOT used to hard work for long periods of time…. how can you expect they work a BUSINESS long term?

Think about it….

If you are marketing to hungry tech savy college kids who are looking to supplement their college allowances vs someone who works fast food and thinks the world sucks cause the most they will ever earn is $10/hr.

Pure affiliate marketing (selling services and goods) especially online should be targeted to those your want a direct result from.

  1. If your retailing a ONE time commissionable item you don’t really care WHO you sell to as long as they buy.
  2. If your retailing a continuity program that pays you every month your looking for someone who will buy over time.
  3. If your retailing a program that has duplication and you make money from people earning income (like a network marketing company with multiple levels) then you will want to market to hard working people who have a “capacity to learn”.

I tend to market to the 3rd person.

See…. I run an affiliate program that actually pays me up front 100%, pays a top tier sale, pays a continuity sale (pays every month), and pays when people who buys form me duplicates and makes their OWN sales.

If You Are Making Money On The Internet And Not Making Over $10,000/month Maybe….

It is a function of you not targeting the right audience or not spending the right “time” with them.

I’m not talking about holding their hand but leveraging YOUR time to teach them without doing it one on one.

If you are looking to making money on the internet and especially if your only doing it part time you have to be VERY smart with your time.

Things to avoid:

  1. Do not sell your self short and talk to people to buy something for say $500 or less. I mean calling someone on the phone to buy something… and when I say $500 I mean what your commissions are…. not what the product sells for.
  2. Do not spam your people, prospects, and leads. doing this will only have you make money in the short term.
  3. Do not have a desperation model of marketing… if you don’t know what this is… just look at HOW you approach your prospects and new leads in your marketing.

Okay… so your wondering what you SHOULD do if your looking to make money on the internet now…

Here is what I recommend…

  • Value your time
  • Treat people like people but understand the average person your marketing to is new but needs to be conditioned early on… example: don’t tell someone who bought from you at $25/month that you are available 24/7….. are you worth $25/month for 10 hours on the phone?
  • Connect with others who have been in the industry  longer. You can learn a lot from someone who has been through the early growing pain stages.

So the question is: “Hey Lawrence, where can I start if I want to learn but I’m so new and on a budget?” For starters…

I would highly recommend you start to learn blogging (get your own blog for $25 so you can communicate to your prospects). My blog took me literally hundreds if not thousands of dollars and a CRAP ton of my time.

I say get to blogging here for $25 and NOT the free ones due to their TOS that can shut you down.

Why blogging?

I did a short get together with some of my partners here about blogging -> What Does Blogging Have To Do With It?

I want be able to cover all the benefits of starting with blogging to use it to making money on the internet but that is where I started back in 2008 when I got serious.

For now…. I highly recommend you clean the garbage out of your mind and get your thoughts, and intentions right.

If your mind is full of junk or your are WANTING to stay at your dead in job… your MIND will keep you there… don’t believe me? Check out all of the people who have been making $25k/year for years and complain about it…. If you complain about something CHANGE it…

Especially if you live in United States… you can educate yourself OUT of a dead in job.. it might take time but isn’t that better than hating life and telling that to your friends and family year after year?

Clear Next Step

Dive in with an open mind and get going to learning how to monetize the internet and starting to making money on the internet even part time like I do.

Buy No Excuses Summit Tickets And Attend the Live Event

You should buy the buy no excuses summit tickets if you want to book your space at this life changing event. But what is this no excuses summit? The no excuses summit refers to the two days event on internet marketing that is held in Las Vegas, United States.

The event is put on by the well known marketers Fernando Cellabos and Raymond Fong. The attendees are taught modern techniques and strategies of marketing by MLM & Internet Marketers. It lays down the foundational skills of those who want to begin doing online marketing. It adds expertise to those already doing it and therefore every person is invited.

buy no excuses summit

Buy no excuses summit tickets and attend the live event to get real facts about online marketing

While there are very many articles and websites about marketing over the internet, they might not give you the real story and facts about this issue. In fact, some articles about online marketing portray it to be unrealistically easy while it is not really so. Some articles may even not be written by the real experts on internet marketing.

To get the truth and facts that you cannot get elsewhere, you should simply buy no excuses summit tickets, book your place and then attend the live event in Las Vegas. The two days training will be offered by the well known American internet marketing gurus.


Buy no excuses summit tickets and learn life changing techniques and strategies

Internet marketing is nowadays the main source of income for very many people across the world. As the use of internet and concept of eBusiness increase, the opportunities and demand of online marketing also increase.

Companies, individuals and small businesses want to market themselves and their products over the internet. THIS SUMMIT IS AN EVENT YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS if you want to learn how to make money flexibly, inspire and be a mentor to other people. Buy no excuses summit tickets and learn the latest techniques and strategies of making money from your home.

Buy no excuses summit tickets and learn how to be your own boss

Internet marketing will make you be your own boss; this is another great reason why you should buy no excuses summit tickets. At the event, you will be taught on the ways in which you can manage you time well as be your own boss.


Who should buy no excuses summit tickets?

This summit can be attended by every person but it is especially of great value and importance to

The network marketers that want to upgrade their skills on internet marketing

The internet marketers that want to learn new techniques and strategies of marketing

The professional networkers that want to increase their connections

Any other person who is intending to set up an internet marketing business.

This is the only place where you can learn from the best brains on the concept of making money over the internet through internet marketing. If you want to be a mentor and an icon in internet marketing you must buy no excuses summit tickets and attend the event In Las Vegas.

If your looking to buy No Excuses Summit Tickets they go on sale 1-2 times a year. Log in below by clicking the link below.

No Excuses Summit Information


buy no excuses summit

Free MLM Leads: Not the Best Idea

If you are participating in any kind of MLM program, you may have seen some sites which offer free MLM leads and wondered as to whether they are a good thing to use. Everyone wants to get something for free, this is basic human nature. However, in the MLM world, free does not mean good. If you want to get some quality leads then you should be prepared to spend some money on them, or at least work hard to get them yourself.


Why Free MLM Leads Are Really Not Free

You might be thinking to yourself: well, it’s free, so even if the quality is bad, I am not going to lose anything, right? Well, this is where I would completely disagree with you. Sure, the leads that you get are free, so they will not cost you anything out of pocket. However, you will be spending time contacting these free MLM leads and marketing your program to them. So while it may not cost you money to buy these leads, it will cost you your time (and maybe even money if you outsource the task) to contact mlm leads


Free MLM Leads Are of Bad Quality

If these free MLM leads were any good, who would want to give them away. Here is a question that you should be asking yourself: if someone has an entire directory of high quality MLM leads, wouldn’t it be better for them to market to these leads directly, rather than giving them away. We all know that quality leads are what will make you money in the MLM industry. Even if you have the most beautiful website and the most convincing sales materials, if nobody sees them you will not make any profit with these. The free MLM leads that many sites will give you when you sign up are typically leads that would be considered bad quality.

What I mean by that is that they are leads which are quite unlikely to result in a single person joining your program. Most probably these leads are of people who were tricked into giving their information to participate in a survey, contest or to get some kind of a freebie, such as an instructional video or MLM guide. These people were probably simply visiting the site where they entered their info out of curiosity and did not have any serious intention of joining any program.

Furthermore, these free MLM leads are very often people who have already been marketed to and presented many other programs before. They probably have their email inboxes overflowing with offers to join several MLM programs as well. You also won’t know just how fresh these leads were. Even if they were not contacted by anyone since they gave their info, if it has been a few months since they did so, they would probably be confused when you contact them and start wondering what you want from them and how you got their contact information in the first place.


Is It Possible to Get Good Free MLM Leads?

The short answer is: yes, it is possible and it is actually something that I am doing myself. However, doing this will require that you do some work and not just fill out a form and expect free MLM leads to be handed to you. One good strategy to get leads for your MLM program would be to write an article that is related to your niche.

Then, include a link to your lead capture page in the resource box of your article and submit it to article directories. No matter how many people submit a lead, it will not cost you anything. You could also use social media to its full potential by creating a fan page, or uploading videos to a video sharing service such as YouTube. All of this can be done with a little bit of work plus effort and will result in getting free MLM leads that are actually good.

P.S. Don’t hesitate to leave some comments in the box below this article. To find out more about getting MLM leads and making money online, fill out the box on the upper right corner of my site.

Generate Website Traffic With Help From Friends

So how did I generate website traffic using my friend, friends friends, and complete strangers?

Generate Website Traffic

Generate website traffic

Generate Website Traffic

The key to learn how to generate website traffic is to find out what works within your own budget. You can always rent someone’s list or just pump a ton of traffic with pay per click (PPC) traffic but…..

This is FREE advertising.

When was the last time you had a complete stranger take your message and tell all of their friends?

yeah, I know. It’s Bizarro World.

But it works. The system works on the whole principle to give onto others and you shall receive. The system has rules in place to encourage this type of behavior and you WILL get traffic like this IF YOU USE IT CORRECTLY.

Driving a car backwards will get you from point B to point B but it’s not the BEST WAY.

Generate Website Traffic – To Even Dead Sites

My website above hasn’t done much. It was poorly built for a keyword that has no real traffic. That was my fault. I didn’t do the homework but I still keep it around since it does still convert traffic even with 1-2 hits a day.

What this has done is send a spike to my clickbank and hops to offers I have on that site. I find this interesting since I didn’t have to physically pay per click to get those visitors there. The name of the business is to drive traffic to pieces of content that you have offers for. Be it trying to sell a service, or product.

People’s business just straight up suck online when they are unable to drive traffic. From using SEO to video marketing if your not getting eyeballs to your content to sell you or whatever your pushing your not going to make money.


You make money from people. People with credit cards are the ones buying your products, joining your business, or signing up to use your service. If you don’t have traffic your going to be on a island no one knows about.

If  your ready to dive into my training on how I generate traffic to even a dead website within days and not weeks, click the banner below and get going to learn how to generate website traffic.

Visit D3T – Double Tap The Traffic

Article Marketing Tips – Face Punch A Panda

Here are some article marketing tips I found after reading some test studies from people who use UAW.

Before I dive into the testing of another user I wanted to touch on the Google Panda issue. For most the Google Panda was supposed to target content farms and essentially bring down no value adsense sites. Now no value is subjective but in the end duplicate sites and auto-blogs were supposed to be de-ranked and allow valuable sites to make it to the top.

The Event happened April 2011 and 25% of my sites got gobbled up by the panda.

Article Marketing Tips – Panda is Alive!

article marketing tips

I guess you can say it’s alive and kicking as I can prove it ate one of my sites up. For marketers like myself when we see this:

google panda Continue reading

Generate Web Traffic – Use SEO

One of the critical pieces to building a business especially online is learning how to generate web traffic. I currently work with a couple of methods but the one I wanted to share today was a low cost method I use every day.

Generate Web Traffic – Using SEO

One of the cool things about building a business is that there are so many ways to drive traffic. The 2 main ways are free and paid. In my book they are both paid since your either using money or time. People these days don’t put enough emphasis on what their time is worth and just throw it around like it’s worthless. I would highly recommend new people to the industry to understand working something for free doesn’t work out in the end.generate web traffic

Let’s stay on point and talk about how to generate web traffic using SEO.

SEO stand for Search Engine Optimization. It is essentially the art of marketing your business on the internet so search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing will drive their customers to you.

I love this type of business model since it’s like opening a store and allowing people to visit depending on their needs. There is very little forced advertising in this method and the amount of traffic generated is primarily determined on what your marketing in terms of keywords.

Sure there are other ways to drive traffic like social network syndication but SEO in my opinion is one of those things that really just worked for me and my business.

SEO will take a couple of skills but the ones I would like to focus on are: Continue reading