Honor’s Class Jan 2012 – Video Help

The video applications below are those I feel have a good shot at working with me in my newly forming Honors team for Jan 2012

The idea was to not just make a room of marketers but a small tight knit group where I can benefit from the conversation also.

This is not supposed to be a one way street.


I ask of you to check out the videos below… If one REALLY sticks out that should be included in my group… Initial team size was 3 members…

*If you don’t see your video below it’s because your not ready or your already good to go in terms of not needing an extra boost. I have plans for you.*

I want to reiterate that by NO means does this mean your not worthy, not going to make money, or not going to be successful. I’m a part time Marketer and my time is extremely limited. I’m building the Honors team for ME to grow… Remember… I’m also trying to make a living too. This is an experiment to seeing how much further I can push my own marketing efforts and really making people close to making it happen –>>> make it happen.


Comment below to WHO you think should be included and why

Paul Clark

Jess Simonson

Jason Grilli

Alecia Stringer

Steve Weston

Kimberley Tilley

Frank J Marino

Bruce Bui

Kevin Tan

Angel Alvaro

Carolyn Nelham

Stevie Knight

Tim Buist

Kris Olson

Kevin Johnson

Landra Lynn Jacobs

Susanna Fera

Marty McDonald

Murray Beaulieu (video 1 below, video 2, video 3, video  4, video 5, video 6)

Sonja Solaro

David DeMarco

Christian Marquez

Arzu Gosney

To be considered in working with me a lot of different things come into play… But…

I’m going to say those that are in my MAIN Business tend to have a HIGHER chance of working with me.

So how does one join my Primary Business?

Watch this Youtube presentation below:

Honor’s Class Jan 2012

I am looking to work on a smaller scale with some leaders in my empower network team. The scope will basically include anyone in Project Mayhem.

I am the #1 earner in Empower Network and hold a couple of other top positions in other companies.

I’m STILL a part time marketer and will probably be one for a very long time as I transition from engineering into teaching/football coaching/scouting.

That being the case it’s important that the time I spend for higher end marketing is spent with those who are qualified.

I’m not saying smarter, bigger marketing budget, or even that I don’t spend time with those who aren’t ready but there are things that can’t be explained until one graduates from basic training.

If your looking to get into my Honors Marketing team put up some good numbers and get my attention. For those who “think” they are ready for my Honor team let me introduce to you my plans..


Honors Marketing With Lawrence Tam

  1. My attempt to bring together a brotherhood or fraternity of sorts to online marketing. Female marketers are of course welcome.
  2. Life outside of learning and applying methods by yourself can be hard on the mind and body. Let’s work together.
  3. I’m part time but that doesn’t mean I treat my business like a hobby. I want to work with professionals and not hobbyist.

The Magic Number is 3 (I’m looking to work with 3 at this time and will pick by Jan 2012)


Here are some requirements to have

  1. Fully Invested – Must be ALL in for empower network. As of this writing that’s having the basic, inner circle, and costa rica intensive. I need to know we are working on familiar ground.
  2. Strong Mind – Must have have an attitude of never quitting. I’m not talking quitting on me. But quitting on yourself in building a bigger business that can change your life in the future. Tell me you WHY (why you do the business)
  3. Time On Your Side – Can honestly say you will be here, online, marketing in 4 years from application. I’ve seen many rising starts but many more who burn out in less than 1 year. This is just the minimum amount of allocated time as most graduate college in 4 years why not stick as a group for 4? Commit to win. Commit to learn.
  4. Endurance – I want to know your a work horse. Someone close to being a workaholic. That can be fixed as life isn’t about working to death but having qualities like it are 100x better a lazy slob. Someone who complains and doesn’t like work and sleeps 10hrs a day is someone I can’t work with.
  5. On The Brink – You feel you have invested a ton of money and time. Put in the work and just can’t seem to get over the hump for your first killer day or month. I’m not talking about desperation in your life but that you are mentally there but the physical body has yet to experience it.


Your Application Starts Here
(1 video AND 1 written application = 1 email)

1) Shoot a video talking about WHY you want to work with Lawrence Tam. a video of YOU would be preferred. I want to see you in action. (post to youtube and send link to lawrencemlm@gmail.com)
2) Write about the 5 requirements above and send it to (lawrencemlm@gmail.com). Subject of your email: Application for Honors Entrance – (your name)

  1. fully invested
  2. strong mind
  3. time on your side
  4. endurance
  5. on the brink

Turn in BOTH the video and the written portion in one email for me to track easier.

Deadline End of December 2011

*I will post some of the GOOD videos here*