Justin Bieber Twitter – Don’t Baby Your Business

Justin Bieber Twitter Power is Off The Chain

Look, Justin Bieber has got what a ton of businesses would love to have. Viral exposure is what so many businesses are trying to hard to build through social network sites like Myspace, Facebook, and Twitter. Businesses want that Bieber Fever.

The Justin Bieber Twitter account is super viral due to the constant masses of, let’s say little girls, who flock to the singer/performer.justin bieber twitter

But how can this help a business?

What businesses get wrong is truly understanding what their market segment wants. The music industry generally gets this down a bit better as they understand trends and likes. Why can’t standard businesses use this phenomenon of Justin Bieber Twitter rush.

Justin Bieber Twitter – Baby, Baby, Baby, Ooooh

So let’s take a look at what the Bieber is doing with Twitter.

He’s building a following.

Developing his brand.

Connecting with his peeps.

This is what big business doesn’t do and what small business haven’t done correctly yet enough these days.

The Justin Bieber Twitter power is one in where he dove into this medium of marketing.

Yes, it’s marketing.

You can’t assume just by having the best content that people will flock to you. Follow what the Bieber man has done in the music industry. Content with proper marketing/advertising is the real way to build a business brand.

Most of us in this industry or whatever industry your in is that there is very little emphasis on HOW to market. This is poor, poor, poor.

Justin Bieber Twitter Power – Market You

Apply the Justin Bieber Twitter marketing method of connecting using this social network marketing. Connecting to many and building a brand on autopilot is sought after through many business mediums.

Correctly using Twitter and it’s power of viral marketing is a mystery for home business owners… until now.

Log in below to the free training to get you a share of the craze we know of as Justin Bieber Twitter Fever.

Click The Banner Below for Some Free Twitter Training For Business

Justin Bieber Twitter

Article Marketing Strategy – Fear No Pandas

So the past couple days I’ve been looking at what the Google Panda update has been doing to 25% of my sites and it just doesn’t make me happy and why I have altered my article marketing strategy to fight back.article marketing strategy

25% of my sites have gotten 90% of their traffic demolished. zip, nil, destroyed.

Not a happy feeling.

so what did I do? I went head on and attacked the Google panda update to see what I can get out of it.

What did I get?

Article Marketing Strategy – Don’t Be Afraid Of Pandas

Look, how can you be angry at something that looks as cute as that?

Google has it’s theories on what their clients want and as a marketer we are always looking to find how they rank. The key so SEO is understanding you can NOT be afraid of Google. They are the gatekeeper to a LOT of traffic and that traffic has a lot of customers with credit card in hand.

Instead of thinking of the Panda update as a menacing bear think of it as a little bear on a rocking toy 😉

article marketing strategy

Article Marketing Strategy – Survive

So the panda took it’s first couple shots at me and took me down to nothing for 25% of my sites. I’m not going to cry and give up.  The strong survive. It’s survival of the fittest and I’m not laying down and getting stomped on.

Develop a rock solid mental state that you will NOT give up. Continue to learn and test. Test and Learn.

The process of life long change is repeated actions that work towards a defined goal. If you have your goal, then work towards it regardless of the bumps and bruises you get along the way.

Article Marketing is NOT dead.

Here is another case study by the UAW guys and you can go to it with the link below:


Article Marketing Strategy – Pump Up The Articles

It’s generally useless if your just hitting up content only to leave it there for the google bots to pick up. If your not doing ANY OFF Page SEO it’s all for nothing. See, the most beautiful women in the world will never be found unless someone broadcasts her whereabouts. Essentially, it’s all about the marketing of your content.

If you think about this, a great marketer can make chicken salad out of chicken sh*t.

But that’s not what your gearing to do. You are here for a long term business. One that continues to grow and get more traffic. Organic search hits is only one source of traffic and if you have great content you will start to get Referral and direct traffic.


Great content found with organic search could potentially go viral. If your content goes viral you will get a ton of traffic that spawns from referral sites and your traffic takes on a totally different look. One that is totally organic as it grows through syndication methods.

You need to do the basic steps of:

  1. Keyword Research
  2. Great Content
  3. On Page SEO
  4. Off Page SEO

If you have no clue what I’m talking about please, please, please educate yourself. The 4 step process above is only the beginning but generally all you need to know.

If you haven’t invested into learning it’s time. Go Graduate from my personal 7 day internet lead generation bootcamp and make a decision to change your business for the better regardless of the raging Panda out there.

Develop your own article marketing strategy that you gravitate to. It’s hard to build your own style and plan when you haven’t seen how other’s do it. Follow my training and explode out of the gate.

Dominate with this Killer Article Marketing Strategy

article marketing strategy

Article Marketing Tips – Face Punch A Panda

Here are some article marketing tips I found after reading some test studies from people who use UAW.

Before I dive into the testing of another user I wanted to touch on the Google Panda issue. For most the Google Panda was supposed to target content farms and essentially bring down no value adsense sites. Now no value is subjective but in the end duplicate sites and auto-blogs were supposed to be de-ranked and allow valuable sites to make it to the top.

The Event happened April 2011 and 25% of my sites got gobbled up by the panda.

Article Marketing Tips – Panda is Alive!

article marketing tips

I guess you can say it’s alive and kicking as I can prove it ate one of my sites up. For marketers like myself when we see this:

google panda Continue reading

Generate Website Traffic Even With Google Panda Lurking

It’s sad but true that you need to learn how to generate website traffic regardless of your past success.google panda

The above is one of my sites that bit the big on. Google Panda decided to destroy my site. I’m looking at methods to reviving this site but it’s interesting to see how fast the landscape can change.

The one true lesson I learned from this is that you better generate website traffic from many different methods.

Generate Website Traffic – Panda Free

So my other site has had an explosion of traffic. Look at the below image.

Social network marketing

So how is it different?

Why did one site explode and another tank?

The one thing you need to learn is that being a marketer doesn’t stop when you grow. You have to continue to learn even when you feel you have reached some milestones. Most of what you learn will be changed if not altered along the way.

Learn to be hungry about online marketing and you will ride through it.

The above traffic spike was due to my tribe.

By all means if your trying to build content and you try and generate website traffic daily only to get shot down I suggest you join my tribe so we can help each other.

Visit D3T – Double Tap The Traffic

College Tuition Increases – How You Paying It?

Are college tuition increases one of the major things that bother you today?

I loved my college. My time at the university of texas at austin was great. My parents paid my way and it was expensive. Graduating in 2000 what do you think that same degree is worth now?

It’s a bit scary to think my 2 little kids (4 and 6) will be going to college to a state school to cost over $250k for a 4 year degree.

How are people going to pay for this?

I’ve invested heavily last couple years and have practically pre-paid my 2 kids tuitions using the Texas Tomorrow Fund and the 529 Plan with the Utah Plan.

My kids I hope will be set with my early planning. That is my backup.


I do not think a college education guarantees financial success.

I strongly believe financial freedom is developed by the HUNGER to wanting to learn. That’s it.

IF your HUNGRY and enjoy learning you will be successful because you will find a way. Being taught to think inside the box is not the only way to make it. We don’t live in a box.

Check out this video and let me know your thoughts.

So now you know why I have partnered with a business that sells silver and gold. Understanding asset allocation and preparing for hyperinflation IF it were to happen.

Being prepared and being ready for If SH*T Happens is a goo plan in my book.

Fight College Tuition Increases by being financial informed and collecting assets vs debt.

Click Banner Below To Fight The System

2010 MS70 PCGS Silver American Eagle (First Strike)

2010 MS70 PCGS Silver American Eagle (First Strike)

Social Network Marketing – 554% Visitor Increase Under 2 Week

Social Network Marketing defined by me is: A method to marketing that consists of using the validation of peers to build your business in network marketing.

Okay that might just sound like a bunch of words but network marketing traditionally is done face to face and offline. The explosion of the internet with Facebook marketing has allowed network marketers to jump on and find new prospects pretty quickly. The twist of using social network marketing is that the majority of the benefit is drawn from things you social network marketinghave no real control over.

Now this might scare some in not being able to control every aspect of your business but in the end you wanted to make money from your business vs run your business.

Automate Social Network Marketing

There is generally a big group of people who primarily dedicated their time in getting traffic with SEO efforts. Video and content marketing is a big part of Google’s customer traffic and people flock to it so marketers are always trying to rank higher on the search engine position to snag some. Continue reading