Wanna Get More Customers?

If you want to get more customers for your business you better understand the way business works.

Before you can get paying customers you need to have traffic. If your online then your probably trying to build internet traffic to one of your websites. If you want to get more customers you gotta pull in traffic like a company does and not like a stay at home mom that builds a business like a hobby. No knock on the stay at home moms but most do NOT have the budget or marketing resources to compete with companies like Organo Gold (selling coffee) or Melaleuca (selling house goods and personal health).

Until now……

Get More Customers – Go Online

Get more customers

The internet is a huge place to tackle. Many try and fail and many other try and just quit. Before you go on and quit or just stop marketing your business I want you to look at the picture above for my one website that is getting more social love on Twitter than HUGE network marketing companies like Organo Gold and Melaleuca.

I’m just a one man shop with multiple websites, this blog being one. I decided to focus and learn how to get some social exposure and it’s going viral. On twitter I have been getting more mentions in my own name, brand recognition, versus these bigger multi-million dollar companies.

How can one person do this?

Wanna Get More Customers – First Get Educated

If this is your first time trying to market online or if you have struggled one of the main reasons your not getting more customers is due to the fact your trying to use the internet when you don’t have an instruction manual. If you truly want to get more customer read the basics to HOW to market online.

Education is key to survive online especially if that is going to be one of the major places where you will get more customers. Maybe you have already tapped through your entire list of friends and family and understand no business is built just through them these days. Network marketing is no different in that many fail because their list of friends and family just aren’t the best in terms of building a team or getting more customers. It gets worse if your a career network marketer who has burned bridges or cried wolf too much (greatest business ever speech).

Let’s get educated and figure out what you need to be doing online.

First off, get traffic by learning what I do. Instead of me charging you a per hourly rate to coach you why not just graduate from my free 7 day bootcamp series that details the steps to what I do online to build a business.

My bootcamp will walk you through the different fundamentals you need to learn to understand how business online is conducted.

After you are done with that it’s off to:

Wanna Get More Customers Online – Screen Them

One of the things I’ve learned being online since 2008 (started network marketing ins 2006 but online in 2008) is that customers are everywhere and there are good ones and bad ones.

I made the mistake of treating each online customer the same and was spending way too much time on tire kickers, what we call in the industry as people who have no intention of buying but wanted to just use up as much of your precious time as possible. Don’t get me wrong, tire kickers are essential to any business but the part that messes people up is not identifying who are high quality prospects (leads) and tire kickers (digital data, or junk traffic).

Every single business owner out there building a business online to understands to get more customers for the long run you must educate your clients and also screen them at the same time.

Unless your running a charity, understanding the difference from “data” to “prospect” is huge. Spending too much time with “data” means your spending time with people who have no intention of buying or will buy to use your free trial period then be on their way. Prospects are those who are truly interested and should have your full attention.

So how does a home business that is limited by the hours they can build it – really get more customers…..

Stop wasting time with tire kickers and spend more time with qualified prospects by using a professional service. Many will try and do it all on themselves but remember…..

If  your a business owner your an accountant, sales rep, marketing rep, technical support,  customer service…. there are only so much you can do without sacrificing your own sanity. If you continue to spend most of your time in activities in your business that makes money you will succeed in the long run.

The banner below with MyPhoneRoom is the service I personally use to screen out “tire kickers” and build my business like a professional outfit vs garage shop.

Get More Customers Online By Never Calling Tire Kickers

get more customers

Generate Website Traffic With Help From Friends

So how did I generate website traffic using my friend, friends friends, and complete strangers?

Generate Website Traffic

Generate website traffic

Generate Website Traffic

The key to learn how to generate website traffic is to find out what works within your own budget. You can always rent someone’s list or just pump a ton of traffic with pay per click (PPC) traffic but…..

This is FREE advertising.

When was the last time you had a complete stranger take your message and tell all of their friends?

yeah, I know. It’s Bizarro World.

But it works. The system works on the whole principle to give onto others and you shall receive. The system has rules in place to encourage this type of behavior and you WILL get traffic like this IF YOU USE IT CORRECTLY.

Driving a car backwards will get you from point B to point B but it’s not the BEST WAY.

Generate Website Traffic – To Even Dead Sites

My website above hasn’t done much. It was poorly built for a keyword that has no real traffic. That was my fault. I didn’t do the homework but I still keep it around since it does still convert traffic even with 1-2 hits a day.

What this has done is send a spike to my clickbank and hops to offers I have on that site. I find this interesting since I didn’t have to physically pay per click to get those visitors there. The name of the business is to drive traffic to pieces of content that you have offers for. Be it trying to sell a service, or product.

People’s business just straight up suck online when they are unable to drive traffic. From using SEO to video marketing if your not getting eyeballs to your content to sell you or whatever your pushing your not going to make money.


You make money from people. People with credit cards are the ones buying your products, joining your business, or signing up to use your service. If you don’t have traffic your going to be on a island no one knows about.

If  your ready to dive into my training on how I generate traffic to even a dead website within days and not weeks, click the banner below and get going to learn how to generate website traffic.

Visit D3T – Double Tap The Traffic

How To Make Extra Money By Thinking It

Back in 2006 one of the hot topics for me was how to make extra money. I was digging all over the place looking and asking people their suggestions.

I came across an assortment of things. Things I did in high school and would never want to do for spare cash again.

How To Make Extra Money – Avoid Stuff You Hate

The process of generating a side income isn’t a one time thing. If that were the case then bank robber would be a popular past time for struggling adults. The Mindset of wanting a quick fix and a home run to the bank is not a healthy one. That type of thinking will get you stuck in situations you rather not be in.

So instead of trying to hit the home run let’s learn the first point of how to make extra money – Don’t do the things you hate.how to make extra money

I know that sounds pretty simple but many people I know continue doing the things they hate to generate some income. Some are stuck in that position and refuse to get out dude to being comfortable with their uncomfortable situation, if that makes any sense.

I mean, why work as a janitor if you hate cleaning? The quick response from a janitor would be some excuse that it’s not too bad and the hours are good.


How To Make Extra Money – Get Paid What Your Worth

No one aspires to be a janitor.

Now maybe owning a janitorial service is another thing but that’s the whole employee vs employer mindset.  Learning how to make extra money is the process of moving your mental state from “it’s okay” to “I’m worth more”.

I believe self worth makes up a big part of what your capable of doing in life. I’m not going to say that only the high paying gigs are worth it but if you were to weight out the options it becomes pretty apparent that you will either do what you have passion for or you will do what pays you what your worth.

Too many do neither and that’s just plain sad.

To work a job that underpays and you have no passion for is not how to live your life. We all get into situations we wish you could get out of but instead of wishing let’s do something about it.

So the firs tip is to acknowledge if you hate what you do for a living make corrective actions to change where you are. That’s a pretty simple step. Before you can get to a destination you need to envision where you want to go.

Some of the things that makes us different from animals are some basic things like we have opposable  thumbs. Yeah, sounds weak but being able to grab things has changed the way the human race has grown as a collective. I mean can you imagine not being to use your thumb?

Another thing that makes us different is free thinking. When was the last time your dog was contemplating the difference of eating white rice vs brown rice for nutritional and taste purposes.  Our minds are a super weapon. What you can think of can be ground breaking IF you unshackle your mind.

Stop putting up road blocks in your mind and start to break out and think.

How To Make Extra Money – Use Your Brain Or Zombies Will

If you have seen zombie movies before, zombies are always trying to eat brains. My assumption to the whole thing to why a dead creature would want to devour your brain is that the brain is the priceless piece to your body. You can get heard, lungs, kidney transplants but have you seen a brain zombiestransplant?

I mean even if they could pull that off you would be a totally different person. What’s in your mind differentiates you from everyone else to how you feel and how you reason. I mean does your heart feel love of does your mind interpret what love is and then sends that warm and fuzzy through your body.

Let’s use our full potential and dive into what our mind can do for us.

Put your BRAIN to work!

You have abused your knees, back, wrists, and neck for all these years doing physical labor. Let’s do some intellectual labor.

Let’s exercise your mind.

If your looking to learn how to make extra money from home and you have a computer that actually works I highly suggest you start to educate yourself. Take yourself back to school on the topics of making money online.

Start to learn affiliate marketing – the process of selling someone’s product. This is where I got my start and started to learn how to utilize the internet to sell people’s products while I got paid for the referral.

Works great IF you know how to leverage the internet.

Here is my gift to you.

Graduate from my 7 day internet lead generation bootcamp which details what I do online. I touch on how to use the internet to bring traffic to your content which then sells affiliate products as a first step to learning how to make extra money on the side. Use your mind or a zombie will eat it 😉

Best Investments For 2011 – You

So what are some of the best investment for 2011?

Well, the title basically says it all. It’s You.

Too much of what sucks in life is because of deflection of responsibility and just not standing up and taking it like a man. Instead of blaming others or complaining about the system we are a part of today let’s educate ourselves.

The Best Investments For 2011 – Financial Education

Look, instead of complaining about how the US currency is going to be worthless paper due to hyper inflation why not educate  yourself? Have you seen what is happening to the “paper money”. I mean it’s getting out of hand. The paper currency that is no longer backed by gold….. what were we thinking as a government right?

Let’s get educated.

There just comes a time when you no longer will stand by and let the government and bank systems to continue to pull more and more money out of your pockets. Not standing up and fighting back and bending over is just not American. Stand up for what is right and defend your pot of gold. Education of handling your money is more critical these days with increasing costs and ever rising inflation. One of the best investments in 2011 has gotta be the ability to understand how to grow and protect your money.

I mean have you even seen how fake the housing bubble is?

Have you seen the rising costs of college education? That system just doesn’t seem right. There are plenty of systems we deal with and just live with out. Don’t be a zombie and just take it, educate yourself.

Best Investments For 2011 – Learn From The Rich

The rich are doing something right and they aren’t stopping their best investmetns for 2011. The gap is getting bigger from what normal employees are making vs the CEO types. The saying of  “The rich keep on getting richer” still applies today. Not getting with the times and learning what to do with your current resources is a signal your ready to just raise  your white flag and giving up. Educate  yourself on the art of cash generation and cash preservation.

One of the best sources I have found on the subject of money and particularly the subject of how the “rich” handle their money is with the Elevation Group.

best investments for 2011

Best Business To Start – Start Within

If we are talking about the best business to start why would I go into a Yoda like phrase of  “Start Within”.

Well, there are a couple of reasons why but let’s focus our force… Okay… I’ll cut the Yoda talk.

Best Business To Start – Increase Your Personal Value

Regardless of the business most successful ones are run by highly motivated people who have succeeded in their past life

best business to start

Sam Walton Is the Man

experiences. Be it from real estate to stock trader the person driving the ship, the captain, normally has some special skills they have developed over time that allows them to be successful.

Of course you will have the ones that have no skill set except have a ton of money but that in itself has it’s own particular traits. Being an investor takes a lot skills that most people don’t have like for one… Balls.

If your new to working for yourself and you have always had someone “boss you around” and your looking for an outlet I would highly recommend before you start looking for that best business to start to go ahead and start to invest in yourself.

You need to figure out what makes you tick. Having passion for a business goes a long way. Sure it’s not necessary but most businesses fail because of the lack of cash flow but if you have a passion for your industry you will stick in for the long run.

The only other way around build a business where you don’t have a passion for it is if it’s sustainable. So that it can grow and eventually take on a life of it’s own while being for the most part cash positive. Continue reading

Good Business To Start Regardless Of Experience

So what would you think today is a good business to start in this type of economy?

Let’s look at some other business models then dive into what I do online and offline.

Good Business to Start – Quiznos Sandwich Shop?

Everybody has to eat right? So a food chain with a proven system should be a good bet, right?
I’m not saying this is a BAD business model but given what I’m about to show  you by all means form your own opinions.

Information below has been gathered from https://www.ownaquiznos.com/Quiznos

Investment Range: $12,500* – $280,000

*For re-opens of previous Quiznos® locations only and with qualified financing. Not available on start up opportunities or standard transfers. Interested parties should have at least $12,500 to invest.

What’s my initial investment to open a Quiznos?

“The total investment to begin operation of a traditional Quiznos restaurant ranges from $186,835 and $316,485 (excluding Real Estate costs), depending on the region you build in and the size of your restaurant. This covers all costs, including the franchise fee, architects, even your initial food order. Please review our current Franchise Disclosure Document for more details.”

Now if your not part of a home business but looking at numbers like the above are very common in franchises. Continue reading