Early Retirement Planning – Tips You Can Use

Have you already got your eye on retirement because I know I do! Whether you are in your early 30’s or just a few years away from retirement there are tips that can make your early retirement planning go a much smoother. A great thing to do in order to keep on track with your retirement plan is to sit down and write everything out. You have to figure out when you can stop working based on how much money you are going to need monthly in order to survive or live the life that you want to.early retirement planning

The sooner you start saving for retirement, the better because it gives you a little more cushion than you normally would have. Another way to save up some money is to consider taking on a side income like working online. Online marketing is how I solely support myself and have found that it can help people make a few extra hundred bucks a month to a few thousand, depending on how much you need to earn.

Realistically even students should be trying to save and put back as much money as possible but that kind of early retirement planning just isn’t possible for all students. Continue reading

How Much Is Gold Worth Compared To Other Items?

With all of the infomercials and companies sprouting up everywhere wanting to buy your gold people want to know how much is gold really worth and is it the most valuable? Even with the uncertain economic future it seems that these gold buying companies are doing very well and you can’t go a day without seeing at least one advertisement for one.

While these companies do provide a way forhow much is gold people to get some extra income or emergency cash they are doing it at a rate that is below the bullion value. That basically means that they are ripping people off. There are a few companies out there that do offer high or top dollar for the gold and silver they buy but even still you are not going to get the full value this way.


How much is gold worth compared to silver?

Gold is much more valuable right now than silver is all over the globe but some people are curious to know if one day silver will become more valuable than gold. Historically speaking silver has always been in high demand and just in 2010 alone the industrial demand for silver went up almost 20%! However, the recent decline of the US dollar value will also have an effect on how much gold and silver will be worth in comparison to each other.


How much is gold worth now and has been worth?

Now days, you can probably sell about an ounce of gold for $1,000 to $2,000 depending on where you go to sell it. Remember that not all companies are going to give you the same offer so I would check with at least 3 different companies so you can explore your options. For almost 200 years the price per ounce was only about twenty bucks so the value have definitely increased in recent years and there does not seem to be any sign of that declining anytime soon.

While gold has made a rise in value in the past decade, silver has done just the opposite. While there have been some new recently interest in silver for the most party the value has been in a steady decline since the early 1900s. This is one of the things that skeptics look at when looking at the potential of silver surpassing gold in value.

I am no expert on silver or gold (I just buy the stuff because the dollar is weak) but it seems that those have been two pretty popular metals for centuries and while they may fluctuate in price and value, I don’t think there will ever come a time where they both are obsolete.


How much is gold worth historically to others

I am of course basing that on the historical information provided because that doesn’t seem like a real likely outcome. So how much is gold compared to others? Gold is definitely winning over silver, platinum and more so you may want to hold onto yours a little longer. So understanding how much is gold in relation to other items helps you see if something is going up or down.

PS: If you want to learn more about making money online and the importance of holding onto something valuable then check out the only government approved money making system with gold and silver HERE.

Company Layoffs – HSBC Announces Thousands

I definitely was not surprised at the announcement of a record number of company layoffs but when the HSBC claimed that about 30,000 layoffs were set to occur by 2013, I was a little taken back by the amount of layoffs. The HSBC is pretty much the World’s bank when it comes to financing, mortgages and just about any other type of financial transaction worldwide. Even though the bank has seen an increase in the percentage of their sales they have still already let go about 5,000 employees!company layoffs

Throughout the world HSBC has almost 300,000 employees so that is why some are seeing this company layoff a small amount in contrast to the total amount of people working for HSBC. However, any kind of company layoffs are never easy and can put thousands of people out of work and more.

When it comes down to which departments are getting cut, I can’t quite give you that information yet. Why not? Well simply because the representatives of HSBC are not willing to disclose that information and are simply telling us that the cuts will be made inevitably somewhere throughout the company.


Why Company Layoffs Hit So Hard

We all have families, bills, expenses and lives to live and that all requires money. I feel for the next 25,000 employees who are said to lose their positions with HSBC in the next couple of years. This is actually a prime example of why I chose to make money online rather than with an unstable financial institution. HSBC really got hit hard back in 2003 with the housing market started to take a turn for the worse and while they are seeing some slight improvements today, they are nowhere near where they used to sit in the financial tower. Continue reading

China Building Collapse – Check Yourself

Look, stuff happens and when it comes to dealing with people’s lives it’s vitally important to “measure twice and cut once”. The China building collapse of the Lotus River Garden building is a sad testament that this doesn’t always apply.china building collapse

Tight Schedules
Poor Engineering
Cutting Corners
Ignoring Safety

I believe there have been some workers that didn’t make it out alive. This could have been worse and glad there weren’t people living inside (if they were that would have been premature since the surrounding areas were still being developed).

I’m just shocked like something like this could happen when you have so many “eyeballs” on the project.

What makes this even scarier is that these so called engineers are spring up building all over the world with building codes just like the one in the picture above (building laying on their side).

Continue reading

US Debt Crisis Is Here

US debt crisisFor weeks I had to sit and watch reports on Washington officials in the United States try to come up with a plan to get them out of trouble. I have read online that quite a few people believe the problem started back in 90’s when government officials began to repay debt at a really fast rate which made others nervous. Having too small of a government debt is almost just as risky as having too much debt. However, even though the US debt crisis could be seen from a mile away the US government still took their sweet time trying to come up with a solution.

The real issue is that the Democrats and Republicans just did not want to play fair so to speak. If both parties would have been willing to split the differences in the taxes and cuts the issue could have been handles quickly and without starting huge US debt crisis that could crutch the US for a long time. To avoid any long term issues, the seats were supposed to come up with a way to seal the debt limit by August 2nd and it wasn’t until the wee hours of the morning that day when something was actually decided. Even with this agreement reached, for now, American’s and officials are worried that it will only cause larger debt further down the road and higher taxes on those who cannot afford them.


With A Deal Made, Is The US Debt Crisis Over?

Unfortunately countries all over the world are watching as the United States teeter totters on its Triple A credit rating. Some officials have even suggested that this damage is so severe it could turn the US down the same path as Argentina who went from the world’s richest country to just middle class. What I see the US facing now is almost a struggle between the older “baby boomers” and the younger generation in terms of benefits and long term payments (i.e. Social Security).  Needless to say that even with the attempts to bring the economical future of the US back up it seems that the US debt crisis is not over and has done far more damage that I expected it to. Continue reading

Chuck Norris Dead to Abe Lincoln

The best way to focus on your business is to let some steam off and just free up your mind to more creative marketing like these video marketers who did a rap off if Chuck Norris Dead to Mr. Abe.

Here is an example of what I’m talking about.

Is Chuck Norris Dead To Abe Lincoln?

Live a Little With Chuck Norris

PS. Learn the aspects of building a business online using video methods like video marketing, check it out by putting your name and email to the right.