How To Live The Dream


I’ve got to be honest with you here .

My partners have outdone themselves AGAIN!

They just unleashed a 5-video training series
for F*R*E*E that will expose the following:

* How a broke 21 year old kid $20K in debt hit a
6-figure income at 22 years old making as much
as $12,000 in 4 hours.

* How a foreclosed realtor generated over $100,000
in her first 10 months online.

* How a struggling networker increased his conversions
over 67% with 1 simple website tweak.

* How a bankrupt real estate developer hit $1.5 million
per year in his 2nd year of business.

* They found a marketing wizard who generates up to
1,967 leads per day.

* How a guy with ZERO internet marketing experience
hit 134 leads PER DAY for FREE his first 4 months online.

* 2 dudes sponsored 151 reps in 1 hour?!

Yah, that’s what you’re getting from me today.

5 Videos to Live The Dream

Unreal, I know!  Regiester before these guys come
to their senses and start charging thousands of dollars
for this training.

Enjoy your first video as a gift from me to you.

I’ll be checking in with you tomorrow.

Engineering Your Success,
Lawrence Tam

PS. Live the dream 5 video training

Featured On MyLeadSystemPro Corporate Blog

The guys at top wanted a leader to rise from their system.

Kind of like Altered Beast back in the day on the Sega Master system.

“Rise from your grave!!!!”.

Well, after running through my F.R.A.N.K. list I gobbled up a ton of information only to be lest down with poor conversions and awful return on my time. That was until I dedicated myself to learning from successful people.

Not particularly just a system or software package but REAL people. This is exactly why I have this blog. To let those who visit understand I’m a REAL person that has made REAL money online all part time while working a full time mechanical engineering R&D position.

It’s not a dream. It’s a reality.

Read the Full Blog Here:

Managing a Full Time Job AND Your Home Business. MLSP Spotlight on L4 Leader Lawrence Tam

When you are ready to step up to the big leagues email me. If you don’t have my email then you need to graduate from my bootcamp first.

I need to make sure you are serious before I spend time with you. If you can’t even follow along my bootcamp series then well it has served it’s purpose…. weeding out the weak and non-motivated.

Graduate from my 7 day internet lead generation bootcamp today

Engineering Your Success,
Lawrence Tam

My Nate Dog

Here are some more reviews of MyLeadSystemPro from other members.

10,187 distributors in 10 months and counting


To be able to pull this kind of success
in her first 10 months online.

Well, the coolest part is that the biggest
chunk of her marketing comes from an
underground social media blueprint,
which doesn’t cost her a penny! :)

In fact, she’s using 1 strategy in particular
that nobody else is even talking about, and
it’s made her a tiny little fortune in the process. Continue reading

Rocking Oahu And The Inability to Read

On Vacation things change

A natural skill most have for whatever reason goes away on vacation.

Check out the Video and comment below.

Solid internet lead generation skills are necessary if you want to be able to generate leads EVEN while your on vacation like places in Oahu Hawaii.

Engineering Your Success,
Lawrence Tam

PS. if you didn’t catch my mistake. 1) can’t read gimme 2) pointed in the wrong direction 3) is …. for you to point out in the comment section;)

Knock, Knock – It’s Banana

It’s a little time for some humor.

Retweet, Facebook Share, Comment if it made you laugh or punch your screen. –>>

Knock Knock, It's Banana

You can’t go through life being totally serious all of the time right?

Can you?

If so, take the stick out of your rear and laugh a little. Life is hard enough 😉

Want more? – Mission Impossible Nuts <<– Click to see the Action

Lawrence Tam

PS.  I don’t own and I do NOT get paid for referrals if your wondering but you can get your banana shirt here.  I just love their sense of humor. My wife thinks I’m a child but I just refuse to get old.

Facebook PPC Training with Urban Cowgirl

With the google slap taking people down and Bing adcenter being pretty much useless now that they will be integrating very soon to Yahoo PPC where are people going to get their quick fix in PPC?


Facebook PPC with the Urban Cowgirl

Here is the webinar to show you how to use Facebook PPC and how it works. It’s different from Google PPC so pay attention. Our guest speaker the Urban Cowgirl brings the heat.

The mindset is different and understanding the social aspects of Facebook really drive the success of what you can do with their paid advertising.

Retweet, Facebook Share, and Leave me a comment 😉

Engineering Your Success,
Lawrence Tam