Efusjon Business Dead – Company Closes MLM Opportunity

I’ve been in your place. A company you were behind decides to close their doors to network marketing. I wasn’t the biggest fan of efusjon and their reps on facebook really got on my nerves but I feel your pain. We all want to make it in the business and it just turns out that the efusjon business will be going on without their reps.

The End Of efusjon opportunity?

efusjonMany of the reps on facebook were pushing efusjon energy club as the end of all businesses and promoting that business on the FRONT end. Sure you might have liked their efusjon energy drinks but as a business plan it just didn’t click with me and all the hype about a super facebook partnership that I never saw come together.

Efusjon will continue to sell directly to the public but no longer can you make commissions from it which is just sad.

Regardless of that, what do efusjon reps have to show for it? Some burned a lot of bridges and others are now stuck with boxes of the stuff. I know many reps who bought the products purely for the business and now the business is gone what happens to the product? Most will be donated and maybe even trashed?

If your business right now requires you to buy MORE than you physically want on a monthly autoship is that what you really want to do? If your not making money and spending hard cash on a high end product at what point do you say no? From my experience it’s 60-90 days. For those who made money, what do you do now with your products and all of your team’s products? Hard situation, but that was the business you sided with and you made your bed so you gotta sleep in it.

I really hope you went against the efusjon crowd and built your OWN list.

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MLSP Training Aug 30

Here is the Lawrence Tam MLSP internal training.

To learn more about what I do:

  1. Graduate from my Internet Lead Generation Bootcamp
  2. To use my Free Traffic System

~14hr min/ week

this is your starting point.

What is YOUR WHY!!!???

$50/month – MLSP
$25/month – Aweber
$10/year – domain name


Free Traffic System = Free $0
5 articles = $25

What is YOUR TIME Worth.

+$40/hr (why are you spending time making a blog?)

To register for my MLSP Training as a guest you can here:

outsource it.

Engineering Your Success,
Lawrence Tam

PS> So what is the Best MLM Opportunity?

Member Spotlight: Val Taylor

Val Taylor is a fantastic marketer but I had no clue she was THIS GOOD.

Here is her blog www.imvaltaylorblog.com

She hit 603 leads in…… 2 DAYS!

Engineering Your Success,
Lawrence Tam

PS. if you want to learn more about her I highly suggest you just open up and just comment on her blog, fill out more information to work with her, and even just be nice and ask for help when you opt into her training.

Drip Fed Article Distribution Myth?

I have used Distribute Your Articles for sometime now. It has been in and out of my daily marketing routine and I just had one itching question:

“Why doesn’t Distribute Your Articles allow for drip fed submission like so many others?”

Here is a response from their top flight customer service department: Continue reading