How to Recruit People Into Network Marketing

I get asked this so many times it’s not even funny.

How did I recruit online part time?
How did I recruit 14 people in 2 weeks?
How did I do it without chasing friends and family?

  1. Well for one you need to get educated. Be it read books or listen to audio tapes
  2. Learn what works for you. If you have no computer skills how about “How To Recruit Without Computer Skills
  3. Learn to generate leads online -> Graduate from my 7 day Internet Lead Generation Course ($97 Value Free For My Guests)
  4. Learn from leaders. You can either learn it yourself or attach yourself to those who have done it.

That is a good starting point. If you are dead set on making it happen online like I did then it’s time you get serious and

Learn by Clicking the Link Below:

How to Recruit People Into Network Marketing

Stop making the industry harder than it needs to be. Focus and apply what you learn.

Engineering Your Success,
Lawrence Tam

Lawrence Tam in Hawaii

How To Recruit Without Computer Skills

There is an ever growing need to learn HOW to recruit.

I get this.

But until you can get your feet wet with internet marketing you will need to learn HOW to recruit in any stage –

Online or Offline

Here is my gift to those who Join My Numis Network Team.

Click Here watch a presentation -> Join My Team and let me know so I can send you this document.

Engineering Your Success,
Lawrence Tam

PS> The free Silver Coin Promotion End Oct 31

#3 All Time Leads Generator Training Wednesday October 20

And this Wednesday , we’ve
got MLSP’s #3 “ALL-TIME” Lead Generator
inside this massive system exposing
his #1 most profitable marketing strategy.

*Hint to who the mystery trainer is*

  • His initials are L.T.
  • He’s Asian
  • He’s the owner of this blog
  • He works like an engineer

Pretty freaking sweet, huh? This guy’s
a master marketer in the top 1% inside MLSP,
and he’ll be holding nothing back this
Wednesday, October 20th at 9:00 PM EST.
Register Here and show up early because this call
will definitely sell out as his last training was packed in April 2010:

Date:  Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Time:  6:00 PM PST / 7:00 PM MST / 8:00 PM CST / 9:00 PM EST

For more time zones, please see the Time Zone Converter.

Click Here For Training – Reserve Your Spot

See you in the front row 😉

Engineering Your Success,
Lawrence Tam
I'm dunking my boy Nate

MLSP 1st Annual International Live The Dream Event 2010

I’m back from Vegas.

Great training and love seeing so many of you come out and meet me in person.

Here are some photos of the event, enjoy

When you are ready to walk across that stage….

Learn how I did it by graduating first from my
7 day internet lead generation bootcamp

Engineering Your Success,
Lawrence Tam