Grow Your Business Like A Champ Not A Chump

Do you know the difference on how to grow your business like a champ and not like a chump?

They sure do sound like the same thing but many don’t know the difference. How can I tell?grow your business

I just take a glance at their business and how they market it online. Many have good intentions but the way they setup their business it’s just not going to work in the long run.

3 Essential Steps To Grow Your Business Online

1) Your business needs marketing.

I don’t know how many times I’ve told one of my students that one of their biggest problems is not respecting the game of marketing. Many want to make it big and sell a ton of products or services. Now that’s cool they feel that whatever they are selling could sell itself but if that was the case they could just put it up and people would gobble it up. Most will not succeed with some marketing.

Many market their business opportunity, service, and products the wrong way. Information noise has increased more and more as the years go by with more integration with internet and traditional methods. People’s attention span are getting short and harder to infiltrate due to walls that are built up over time.

Shouting is the way to get ahead.  umm, NO. Continue reading

How To Market Your Business Even If It’s A MLM Business

Ever wonder how to market your business on the internet even it’s a MLM business? I remember when I first got into the business of MLM or network marketing that the more I looked the more obstacles were put in front of me. Many advertising outlets didn’t like the word MLM or even if you renamed it network marketing it just didn’t matter.  Regardless of the legitimacy of the business it just didn’t matter because the legit businesses were lumped in with the shady ones so it just didn’t matter.

How to Market Your Business Online

See, one of the tricky things about marketing is that your not always welcome regardless of your “good” intentions. One of those outlets for many in the network marketing industry flocked to Google Pay Per Click. Google was the grand daddy for thousands of savvy network marketers who wanted to market their business online. One of the most sought after traits was how to market your business using Google Pay Per Click and those who grasped it exploded their to market your business

That was one of my biggest jumps for my business and one I would recommend if the Internet Marketing landscape didn’t change so frequently.

How To Market Your Business Online – Adapt

One of the main keys to my success in building my network marketing business was being able to adapt to change. If there was one skill to learn it is to….

Move with change and adapt your marketing to follow suit.

Most new to the industry are always looking for the magic bullet to explode their business. Sure in the short run that could help boost what your doing but the more essential trait is to learn how to “LEARN”.

I believe in school and in college that was one of the defining skills that was taught. How to do research and apply what you learn. This is critical in anything in life and those that totally grasp this explode their business.

How To Market Your Business Like A Champ Online?

If your passion is to build a thriving direct sales, affiliate marketing, network marketing, or even consulting business want to use the most current marketing practices today then it’s essential you use what I use: My Lead System Pro.

In terms of just being up to date on changes (most practices and methods change every 3-6 months), it’s essential to being able to research new methods or have others teach you what you they have learned.

Essentially, anything you learn today could be quickly outdated or replaced within months. So learning only one method and placing all of your eggs in that one basket is dangerous. Be flexible and work with those who know more than you.

Continue to grow your business by investing in yourself. That is the #1 way to ensure success. Stop blaming others for your failures and take responsibility for your own business buy learning and keeping up to date on methods that are working.

How do you know if they work?

Testing and following leaders who make it happen online is a great plan. Leaders leave clues so get  your act together and shape your mind for the long road of growing a business.

If your a novice, intermediate, or even an advanced online network marketer there is something for you in terms of the weekly trainings that touch everything from social network marketing to advanced SEO backlinking.

Your Next Step is to click the banner below to:

Learn How To Market Your Business Online

how to market your business

Facebook Search And You Will See Google Facebook Smear News

Yep, even the big dogs can’t avoid it as a Facebook search won’t find this incident but if you Google Facebook Smear you will see a ton of news about what Facebook just did.

Smear Campaign.

Google Facebook Smear Campaign

Right?google facebook


Hard to see why Facebook would go and snoop this low but I guess if Facebook wanted to fight and become a valid way for people to do Facebook Search queries they were going to be hitting their biggest opponent in the mouth – Google.

So instead of going toe to toe and just winning with good services and advertising Facebook decided to go shady. Real Shady.

Enter in Burson-Marsteller

I saw this on techcrunch and couldn’t think of how someone with that much money was able to NOT keep this undercover. The truth has leaked and oh boy…. Google can’t be happy about this.

I saw this quote from techcrunch who found it from Daily Beast:

“For the past few days, a mystery has been unfolding in Silicon Valley. Somebody, it seems, hired Burson-Marsteller, a top public-relations firm, to pitch anti-Google stories to newspapers, urging them to investigate claims that Google was invading people’s privacy. Burson even offered to help an influential blogger write a Google-bashing op-ed, which it promised it could place in outlets like The Washington Post, Politico, and The Huffington Post.

The plot backfired when the blogger turned down Burson’s offer and posted the emails that Burson had sent him. It got worse when USA Today broke a story accusing Burson of spreading a “whisper campaign” about Google “on behalf of an unnamed client.”

Facebook Search Failure – Google Knows Now

Maybe back in the day if Facebook was like AOL and WAS the internet this kind of information could have been salvaged and scraped but Google is the definitive word on “searching things” and there has been an explosion of news stories about how Facebook paid for a smear campaign.

See, even the big boy’s have issues with their competitors and would even stoop so low.

I wonder if Google will decide to fight back and start pushing the story higher on more keywords so the general audience will know what kind of company Facebook really is.

Google Facebook in a couple days and see if even the generic topics are all dominated by the smear campaign 😉

So what does this really mean? Facebook is not super human and will even act in manners like most human beings do – Low Blows. But in this case it’s more like an illegal blow.

Do me a favor and see if you do a Facebook Search with typing in “Google Smear” or “Google Facebook” and see if there are any incidents of the issue or if Facebook is now doing a global block on all negative press on their own website.

So what does this mean to you?

If your in business there is NO need to low blow your competition.  Facebook is worth billions but still wanted to take out their competition. Don’t be that person who has to be #1. Remember WHY you got into business.

Is it to be unscrupulous to be #1 or was it to afford you a different type of lifesytle? I hope it’s the latter because if so you don’t even have to be top 10% and you will be just fine without smearing your competition.

What To Invest In – How About Yourself

So many people these days are looking for the magical unicorn, bright rainbow, and killer lottery ticket when instead of investing into properties that are doomed to fail here is what to invest in – Yourself!

It should be no secret if you have been reading my website for awhile that I’m a huge proponent of learning. Not to say college is necessary but man it sure does open your mind up to other possibilities.

If your looking to step out and change your financial future what one must understand is to be able to live thewhat to invest in life you “wish” you wanted you better prepare yourself first. Sounds out and kind of like the chicken and the egg scenario but I would rather you prepare yourself with a proper mindset about money vs being one of those lottery winners who burn through their winnings and actually end up worse than before.

What To Invest In – You

So how does one invest in themselves these days? Well for starters are you reading or at listening to books? There is a wealth of information in a place so secretive that an estimated 68% of the population probably has access to but never even go.

What is it?

A library card 😉

Yeah, it’s funny how many people who don’t have a free library card and others who do yet never even go. Then I get countless questions on what to read and how to be a better business person.

Well, for starters you can dig through the library or get what you can off the internet. Here is the problem with the internet.


If  your reading a book or listening it on cd/tape for the most part there are NO commercials, banners, pop ups, instant messaging, email pop ups….. distractions. When your on the computer your constantly trying to stay focused and this is one of the reasons why so many of my top students get their trainings in a binder, pdf, or hard copy and get OFF the computer.

You might thin it’s harmless and I fall into the trap all the time but wasting time on the computer doing non productive activities towards your business is deadly to your wallet.

What to invest in for reading material?

what to invest in

I would start there. Probably can pick up a super cheap used copy or just go to the library. If your that neat freak person who needs to buy it you can support this site by clicking on the picture of the book above 😉

When your ready to take the next step in your education.

What To Invest In – Financial Education

I would highly recommend you understand how money works and how it can work for you. Do you think the rich get richer by working overtime? Do you think they get richer by having the slogan “I can’t afford that business benefit”. Do you think the rich have an excuse for everything?


They make it happen and the majority of them leverage time and money to do it.

This is what I recommend because it details what Tim Ferris like to call “The New Rich”.The secret to learn what to invest in is the ability to understand what works and going through trial and error without your own money.

The Elevation Group

Good Investments Considering Today’s Situations?

Good Investments – Investing In Your Financial Education

What is the key to good investments? Some people will tell you the secret is in the stock market. Others will say it’s bonds, or real estate, or precious metals. Well, if you watched the stock market collapse in 2008, you know how risky that can be.

good investmentsDitto for real estate. Sure, you can risk your money on something that can be up one day and way down the next. Or you can do what Mike Dillard did, and increase your wealth by up to 280%.

Good Investments – Look Around

This is for you if…

  • You don’t have a lot of money to invest but you want to grow it with a strategy for solid, good investments.
  • You are sick of get-rich-quick schemes that never work.
  • You are worried about the stock market (and you’re right to be!)
  • You want to take the best advantage of the post-Great Recession economy.
  • You want to learn the three things you can do today to take advantage of the wealth transfer happening right now.

What Does Mike Dillard Think Are Good Investments?

Good InvestmentsIn the current economy, taking the extra time to ferret out the good investments is essential for protecting and growing your money. Mike Dillard discovered the secret to becoming a millionaire by the age of 26, building two successful publishing companies that produced $15,000,000 in combined revenue. He has since retired from the publishing industry and wants to share his secret for financial independence with people like you.

Here is a my personal take from being a member for some time now – The Elevation Group Review.

If your ready to take on the next challenge of getting out of the rat race and actually having money work for you take the next step and watch the 90 minute presentation below by clicking on the banner below:

Good Investments – Betting On Your Financial Education

good investments