Network Marketing Companies And Bouncing Around

I’ve been in the business since 2006 and have seen a LOT of network marketing companies. What is even more common is to see reps bounce around from company to company and I’ve been there done that.

Network Marketing Companies I’ve Been In

1) My initial service company pays me today every month but I haven’t put anyone into that business in a couple years. The services were great but since

network marketing companies

You Bouncing Companies?

my focus has been in internet marketing I figured it was time to move on (that company is only in restricted areas). Even with the restricted areas to

recruit my team is well over a couple hundred in those local areas. Maybe there will be a time I’ll go back into it when I’m full time and have time to do offline marketing. Reason being, this company is extremely strict for online marketing and one of the main reasons I backed down from promoting it to my online lists. This is just an example that some companies are harder to build due to advertising restrictions and locations that are available forrecruiting.

2) My second company was a juice company and I could see the benefit of it but after going to Costco and Sam’s club taking their juice products at a fraction of the cost led me to believe the products were all pretty similar. The only difference being the mark up in cost to pay distributors. I promptly left that company after putting in about 30 people into it in 1-2 months. Continue reading

Weekend Jobs vs Online Jobs

So what exactly is the draw for Weekend Jobs?

Weekend Jobs = Weekend Warriors

I’ve done the odd end job back in college and high school. I understand the draw. Back when I was in school (graduated college in 2000) the selection of jobs for students were pretty limited. There were some who went and became lab assistants while others worked as a waiter for bars and such during nights and weekends. With a full time schedule of 15-17 hours it’s pretty hard to get a stable part time job.

So…weekend jobs

This is where the brain storming comes in to why so many students look for weekend jobs to supplement their cash or mainly replenish their alcohol fund.

I looked and got some small gigs at the mall doing a couple nights a week and weekends until I finally landed a cool gig grading material science homework papers. It paid more than going to the mall and all the grading took place while I was watching NWO wrestling (yes, back when it was getting big).

The benefits by working at home was awesome. Travel time and just not having to report to work on the COMPANY’S time was a life saver. Grading papers started when I wanted to start it. The only real requirements were that I had taken the class and applied for the grading position with my professor before anyone else. I guess it did help I had favor with the professor but that job was so awesome. Continue reading

Social Networking For Business – Enter Facebook

Maybe your new to the industry or just living under a rock but social networking for business is all the rage. Social networking for business  is the art of making sales or delivering service to your potential customers by exposure through connections.

The #1 place to start networking has gotta be Facebook.

Social Networking For Business – Facebook Is A Must

If your in the business of selling products or services then your business is people. Where is there the largest amount of people WITH personal information tied to it?????social networking for business


Facebook has a ton. I’m not even going to display a number since it won’t matter because it will have gotten bigger by the time you read this.

The important fact to understand is Facebook has people that come back and stay. It’s not like a search engine where it points to other sites on the net. Facebook is like a cafe, a coffee shop, a place to hang out.

The killer point in Facebook is that people are tied to it even when they are away from the computer. The smart phone rage has penetrated into facebook allowing a deeper interaction between people and drawing people together.

So how does social networking for business use Facebook? Continue reading

Texas Food Stamps – Learn To Fish Or Just Get Some Stamps?

Texas food stamps can be a big thing. I get it.

Many people in this country need it and live on it. But should it be that way?

Are food stamps a temporary fix like a spare tire or is it something that should be depended on day in and day out?

Texas Food Stamps – Better of Worse?

The purpose of having food stamps in the first place is to give assistance, state assistance, to those who need it. Going hungry shouldn’t happen in the USA.


Is this a life preserver or a stop gap to educating how to get back on your feet and be self sufficient.

The Houston Newspaper, found here, had run some information back in 2010 why Texas Food Stamps program is the bottom 50 for the nation. It’s bad for those who need it but does it help the cause as a whole?texas food stamps

“Texas does not have enough workers to process food stamp applications and is one of only three states that fingerprints applicants for food assistance.”

Not having enough workers to process food stamps for those who need it is a problem, but having a process in place to ONLY give food stamps to those who need it for the short term in my opinion is an absolute must.

If the freebie program funded by tax payers, I’m a Texas resident, I want to make sure those who do qualify get their food and those who don’t qualify to STEP OFF and “learn to fish”.

I would much rather see education go into teaching how grown adults can make some money versus baby a grown adult. Kids are different. Kids don’t know better and need to sheltered until of age. But grown adults who come under hardship should get a chance to recover just not LIVE on it.

Texas Food Stamps – You Don’t Like Food?

The long delay dissuades other eligible people from applying, Concannon said.

Umm, if your hungry your going to keep applying. If your faking it for free food and it’s taking too long your probably going to leach onto something else that is easier.

Instead of making it where people can not fail why not treat life like a game where you have the ability to get back on your feet to better yourself and not just live at the bottom. There is no need to live off of the government long term unless your handicapped to an extent. Our will to survive should take you forward and the only reason people do NOT push on is because it’s just easier to get some free Texas food stamps.
Get your stuff in gear, get help, and then get going. The truly motivated will, the lazy won’t.

Food Stamps Trend

texas Food Stamps
With the invention of the internet more and more can get OFF Of living from the big brother and start living your own life. Educate yourself on the matters of internet marketing and do it even free.
My gift to society is the training that is necessary to work online and not even dress up for an interview. Most of this can be done from even a public library.
Here is my 7 day bootcamp series – teaching online marketing and how to sell something online.
food stamps

Learn to Fish

Night Jobs – What Do You Really Want?

Are you really looking for night jobs to help sustain your way of life?

Night Jobs – Who?

Going through some of the reasons to do a night job can be anything but let’s first try and think outside of the box to WHY.

1) Night Owlsnight jobs

There are people who just like to work nights. Being comfortable when it’s not blazing hot outside or the fighting the traffic of those who do the 8-5. Night owls generally are those who have lived this lifestyle for awhile and it’s just not a big deal to work nights. Night jobs for this type of person would be as normal as most who work a day job from 8-5.

2) Students

Many under grad students generally gravitate to jobs like teacher assistant positions and maybe even like myself grading papers. Anywhere they can get a job to get some extra income is a life saver when living like a tight budget student. For students who go to class during the day for most of the week has only the option to work nights. This is where night jobs would come into play. There are literally millions of students who will be seeking additional sources of income while going to school and this type of work will never go away. Night jobs for the most part need to be part time to not interfere with time for school and labs. Now of course if the student is taking a easy degree then full time night jobs would be easy but when I went to engineering school it would be very hard to work a night job while pushing 15-16  hours with labs.

Night Jobs – The Real Reason

Now looking for night jobs can be a boring process so let’s remove the pain. Are you looking for a night position or are you looking for jobs. They don’t have to be used in the same sentence to make money which is the real intention right?

Your looking for night jobs to make some extra cash. Not to change your life like winning a lottery or even to do it for glory. Your looking for night jobs to pay some bills for the short term as your days are taken. Don’t think night jobs has to be some boring job like a waiter or bartender. That’s trading TIME for MONEY.

I totally understand why so many can only understand that type of currency.

I give you my team and skills for money. This is fine IF your okay with that trade off.


Don’t think you can’t make money without a job or even working nights.

What if you could make money not applying for a job?
What if you could make some money residually where some night you work and even if you took the next night off you got paid?

Think outside the box.

I know the school system wanted to train you to thinking you can only make money in “hard professions” like a teacher or lawyer. Then why do so many successful people take a non traditional path like land development or investing?

There are other things you can do and it’s time to think outside the box.

Here is an example:

night jobs

This is one of my sites that I’ve had since January 2011.

– Spent about ~20hrs after work and then 5-10min a week at most to check traffic and send some backlinks.

This is not something that will pay all your bills but if your looking for night jobs then looking for an online alternative is a MUST. Don’t sleep on the internet. Instead of being interviews for night jobs soon many will be hunting for mentors to teach them the skill set necessary to bring home some extra cash selling products or services.

When your ready and think night jobs are for those stuck in the past:

Graduate from my 7 day bootcamp

night jobs

Security Jobs vs Prison Jobs – Prison Jobs Might Win

I was reading some news online and it was taking about prison jobs and they might be the winner over a security job.

Security Jobs Pay What?

So a TSA agent would get paid around $10-$20/hr based on site. If you don’t know what TSA, it stands for Transportation Security Administration and you see them at the jobs vs prison jobs

Now $10-$20/hr isn’t a bad gig as long as you like people and don’t mind being on your feet but how does that compare to a prision job?

So some chinese prison camps are doing “gold farming”. It’s the process of playing for gold currency in World of Warcraft. They sell the gold for real money to players looking to get gold in warcraft.

Some new broke out with:

“Prison bosses made more money forcing inmates to play games than they do forcing people to do manual labour,” Liu told the Guardian. “There were 300 prisoners forced to play games. We worked 12-hour shifts in the camp. I heard them say they could earn 5,000-6,000rmb [£470-570] a day. We didn’t see any of the money. The computers were never turned off.”

converting pounds to dollars = $774 to $938 per day. That is just mind blowing.

Sure the prison inmates don’t get that money straight up but the prison’s do. This is a case of technology proving it’s worth.

Learn a skill and learn how to monetize it and it can be a nice chunk of change you can earn on the side. So understanding this fact means you know not all jobs pay the same. Demand at many times dictate worth and if your in a job that just doesn’t pay out I hope your doing it because you LOVE it not because you feel that’s all your worth. Your worth is not what society puts on  you.

Don’t be tagged. Don’t be pushed into a “type”.

From Security Jobs to Internet Marketer

The real understanding comes in that way that many will fail in learning a specific method to make money and this is to your advantage. There is a small niche in gold farming and these prisons have found it. They have educated themselves in the art of it and learned to find a market for it.

What did the TSA agents do?

They assimilated to the system. I mean who WANTS to be a TSA agent handling disgruntled and rushed airport travelers.

Is that where you are now?

If you want to live above and beyond it’s time to get your mind ready.

If you understand the power of the internet, then you understand it’s a pretty big ocean and you can literally drown in the information and worse yet the information that changes to often.

If you plan to build a business online or just learn how the internet works in making money graduate from my 7 day bootcamp.