Google Keyword Research Training – Recorded Training

The below is my notes on my own Google keyword research training. It’s an art that  you can learn over time.

The training got cut short due to my faulty recording software but I’ll add another video if time permits.

Products I Suggested for SEO (affiliate link)


MLSP Trainings to get on:

(if MLSP member look in back office Training)

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Make Extra Cash – Get Out Of The Cycle

I guess it depends on what you do to make extra cash.

Let’s dive into the different phases of what I have been through and what I would anticipate would happen.


In My Youth – How I Make Extra Cash

When I was a younger I would rely on my allowance from my parents to make extra cash to pay for my toys and such.  I remember I was getting like $5/week  from my parents which was a pretty good deal in exchange for chores. I would clean some dishes, vacuum the house, wash the cars, and mop the house when needed.make extra cash

For most $5 per week was on the low end but it was just enough to get a comic or 2 whenever I wanted them and also save up for the time we would roll on over to Toys R Us and I would get like a transformer or get a videogame (NES back in the day).

All the way back as far as I could remember I was looking to make extra cash to pay off the things I wanted which at the time seem a little bit out of reach, like a better bike.

See, at the time I was capped at $5/week regardless of what I did. I had to wait for the big holidays to break out like birthdays, christmas, and chinese new year to get that bonus I needed to make it out with some bigger toys.

Looking around at people I teach and people who look for guidance to what I do online things haven’t changed for many, many people because people still will always want to make extra cash.

They continue to trade their time for a set amount of money. Many work hard in hopes of a bonus (yearly bonus which isn’t set in stone).  Hard work pays off to an extent. Once you start working for people you realize there is the amount of effort needed to keep your job then the effort needed to rank advance.

There are situations where rising in rank won’t happen due to current seniority in place or the fact your unwilling to relocate. The company man is exactly what company’s want. They want to lock you down and not help you make extra cash which could then help you leave the company.

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Before You Join MLM Stuff Let’s Talk

I’ll start of and say before you even think or consider to join mlm stuff these days you gotta read the article below.

join mlm

Do Smart People Join MLM Stuff?

I call it the MLM stuff because it’s pretty much a mix bag. It might as well be like one of those vending machines where you see some good stuff in the glass but you know when you put your quarter (these days it’s more like 4 quarters) into the vending machine to roll out some crappy ring or gumball it’s a random selection of what was at the bottom.

The hard thing to swallow is that it’s at the bottom and even if the best stuff is visible there is still crap down below.

In any industry or anything in life there is good quality stuff and bad quality stuff. I mean if not then everything will just be average stuff.

So in the context of knowing there is “good” and “bad” quality grades in everything, let’s ask the question if smart people join mlm businesses?

Heck yeah they do.

I mean Warren Buffett actually owns a mlm business.

If you don’t know what mlm business stands for it’s short for = Multi Level Business which are LEGAL around the world.

The legit ones that is.

Before You Join MLM – Do Your Homework

I mean like anything you need to do some homework. I mean who jumps into things without a little bit of research right? oops. Spoke too soon. I remember people I thought where at least a little bit intelligent would just roll up to a car dealership buying a car without any prior knowledge of the car in terms of price at least.

I thought that was crazy but people do that still with anything and I wanted to make sure if your looking to join mlm stuff or are in one now that you do your homework to what is the most important factor of anything in business.


Don’t sleep on this. If your going to join mlm stuff or have joined mlm stuff in the past you know it’s all about moving product and showing people how to do the same. No business is any different.


I take that back. MLM doesn’t cast $100,000 to start up like these other top tier franchises to flip burgers and sell cokes. This works for some but the initial cost to get into a standard franchise is off the wall crazy. I’ve been hearing horror stories of Quizno sub shop owners getting slammed by the corporate office. Scary stuff when you know you have invested well over $50,000 of your own money into a business that won’t pay you back.

But advertising will generally cure most ills in business. If you join mlm stuff it’s no different.

If you can market to people who want your products or services you will make money. If you make money then you know you have a vehicle to share with others to make money.

People these days have no job or hate their job. Then we have other’s who work a job and realize they can’t even retire. I mean how sad is that?

Realizing early that companies do NOT have your best interest in mind when they tell you that you gotta work 50 weeks and only have 2 weeks of vacation. Then when your ready to retire you realized you didn’t have enough to live on or worse yet your so old you can’t even do the “retirement activities” you wanted when you were younger like live on a beach and surf all day.

Understanding that people don’t want  money but the benefits of money.

This is why people go to a job or start a business. The want the benefits of what the money provides.

Now there are special people like doctors and teachers that we need more of and money should never be the draw for these types of professions but it’s sad. I’ve known so many hard working teachers who get paid peanuts.


But if those teachers where well compensated if they were to join mlm stuff then it’s settled. Money is no longer the handicap because they can continue to educate our youth and still go do stuff they wanted to do like go to culinary school, go to Bora Bora, get a flying license, got cage diving off of south africa, or just buy a car that people won’t laugh at.

Money won’t solve all your problems but dang it…. it will solve a lot of headaches… right?

So Before You Join MLM Stuff

I highly encourage you learn some advertising and marketing online. I have a free course that will show you what I’ve done in information marketing and network marketing online. Plus I’ll show you what is possible.

My goal for my students is to show you can do it on little time, just be consistent. I don’t mean be consistently bad but be active in your OWN business. You are your own boss.

Learn some marketing then decide if that is the business you want to invest your money and time into. I recommend anyone to look at the MLM industry as a way to supplement some income but before you do join MLM I would think  it’s vital that you know if it’s a good or bad one.


If your in a MLM or about to join MLM biz and the company is “recruit, recruit, recruit” with no product or service that scrams Ponzi. Remember, legit businesses have models to sell products and services. MLM just adds a layer to teach others to do the same and you get a cut.

My businesses I run sell assets, develop relationships with family consoling, and giving with cards. I do a lot of stuff but all of mine are always centered around giving a good customer experience first.

Sure I recruit people into my money making businesses but that is because I believe in the product or service. If there is none you should reconsider if you really want to join that MLM biz.

So Before Joining MLM Biz Graduate Here:

join MLM

PS> my phone number and email is in my training. You gotta go through it then contact me if you feel there is something wrong with the MLM your about to join. Better know before it’s too late and you waste time and money.

Cold Calling Script – You Sure You Wanna?

If your here then your looking for a cold calling script.

Well I’ll be glad to help but before I like to provide solutions I would like to dive into the root of the problem as I feel that is a better way to solve anything. Look at the root problem vs just being reactionary to situations.

cold calling script

Cold Calling Script – Who Uses Them?

I would like to dive into the mindset of someone who goes and uses a cold calling script. I’m going to make some suggestions to what I’ve done and am  doing with my assistant but that’s the thing… are you sure you want to use a cold calling script at all?

Cold Calling Scripts Are For Lead Poverty

Most people who use a cold calling script do so because they are in lead poverty.  If you had leads you would call your leads. If you had a lot of leads you would spend all day calling your leads. There would be no need to cold call people let alone needing to pull up a cold calling script. You could easily buy targeted leads or just generate your own. If leads were not the issue then cold calling scripts would be thrown in the trash.

Cold Calling Scripts – Apply For Some Not All

I’ve seen a lot of my students attempt cold calling with standard cold calling scripts they got from their business team. Which is find IF they were selling something that would make sense. Depending on what your trying to sell or what business your in cold calling probably should be used. Here is an example.

A student of mine was selling a business where he was trying to recruit people into doing some network marketing. Now the entrance fee was pretty cheap. I think it was $100 so that’s a good draw for a complete stranger to invest into your business but the payout was laughable. You would make like peanuts. I think most signups were less than $20.

I mean would you really want to do network marketing cold calls for $20 commissions?

One thing that is for sure is that your closing percentage will drop considerably when you start to talk to non targeted people through cold calling marketing.

But Lawrence – You Said You Use a Cold Calling Script

Why yes I do.

But the script I use it for is for a business that pays me $1,000 in commissions. There is a BIG difference. I can outsource or do it myself. I mean I have no problem doing some cold calling for the week and spend say 10 hours on the phones hammering it to try and close a $1,000 commission check paid to me directly.

Other network marketing companies that pay like $25,$50, $100 per signup would need to a lot more people. And when your considering that cold calling signups are at a much lower % then it just doesn’t make sense unless your team member is gung ho about it. I don’t think it’s doable.

The average person will not work say 5-15 hours a week for a signup for $100. But if you told someone they could say spend 20 hours a week and still make about $1,000 in pure commissions then cold calling with cold calling scripts would be applicable.

cold calling scripts

Still Want to Use A Cold Calling Script?

The #1 advice I can give anyone who is going to be using a script AFTER they know what their commissions would be… and AFTER they know that conversions will not be the same from purchased or self generated leads is:

Make your prospect a Bobble Head

The best cold calling script is one that allows you to ask questions that makes the listener a bobble head. Make them say yes to your questions. The only way to do this is:


Most people will tell you very quickly what they want to hear if you ask a couple good questions then continue to make them NOD their head.

Question: So the economy still sucks huh?

Question: Wouldn’t it be great to make an additional money that doesn’t interferer with what your doing now?

Question: Wouldn’t it be great to make some more cash WHILE you were on vacation next time?

Personally, I would only use a cold calling script for cold calls on big ticket items. Everything else I just generate leads for my business. If you want to learn what I do and how I do it Graduate from my FREE 7 day bootcamp below.

cold calling scripts

Learn to Fish

Benefits of Outsourcing and How To Do It Right

I was a guest trainer for My Lead System Pro and was asked to HOW I build my business part time and I told them I wanted to teach on the benefits of outsourcing.

Benefits of Outsourcingbenefits of outsourcing

My story is a pretty simple one and is found in my about page but in a quick recap.

Happily Married
2 little kids
Mechanical Engineer with a full time position
Generated over 10,000 leads in a year
L4 My Lead System Pro
4 Star Manager with Numis Network
Magnetic Sponsoring Super Affiliate

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Canada Post Strike – For Real?

Just in case you haven’t been looking at world news the Canada Post Strike is a pretty interesting unfolding situation. From what I’ve gathered here are a couple of things I’ve been pulling together.

Canada Post Strike – It’s For Real

Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) was set to June 1, Thursday at 11:59 p.m. EST.

So a strike can’t be good for anyone and of course there were deals sent back and forth to iron out the details but of course the strike hit and BAM – no postal service for Canada.canada post strike

So then 2 weeks of rotating strikes Canada Post locked everyone out. I mean everyone.

Workers came into work wanting to get a paycheck and earn their way to trading time for money and they were DENIED!

I mean how frustrating is that? When we have the thought that people can “go postal” due to the job and you can’t even “go postal”!

It’s bad enough to be trading time for money but then to do it in a job that doesn’t exactly put a smile on your face to only get the door LOCKED on you. Ouch!

Yes, I’m in the USA so how does a Canada Post Strike mean anything to us down south?You can learn a lot actually.

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