Looking To Make Money On Computer?

Find a way to make money on computer

Have you seen the new 33-second preview video for Magnetic Sponsoring’s new launch? It’s sweetness.

Video Preview Here

It’s got an interesting 3 question survey that is going viral across the industry. (Hint: the data is going to be V-E-R-Y useful in showing you how to be the most profitable marketer possible).make money on computer

I was one of the only a few hundred people who were able to grab a sneak peek at this launch, and it’s red hot with info on how to create a dream lifestyle through your computer.

Finding the true path to making money online and through your computer isn’t rocket science… if it was then there would be a lot more rocket scientists:)

Online marketing or just learning the ability to make money on your computer is a skill anyone can learn as long as you have the steps.

The video preview below talks about what we call “normal people” can do today.

PS…if you listen carefully to the 33-second video, you will maybe be struck with a no-brainer, but rarely taught, piece of marketing gold. Listen carefully:

Video Insight Here

Effective Keyword Research – Come Get Some

If your looking to jump into online marketing I highly suggest you start to dive into some sound and effective keyword research before you buy up all of these super backlinking tools.

Now don’t get me wrong. I love me some off page seo tools but in the end your life is so much easier if you would just learn some effective keyword research.

Here are 3 quick tips to effective keyword research

1) It’s a good practice to start with anything that you feel you can write or build content on.effective keyword research

Too many people shy away from weird niches like “how to build a chicken coop”. Sure it just might sound weird but if your in the market of say being an affiliate marketer your job is to get traffic to things that sell. I would first look at a subject matter that you can write some articles about or shoot videos about. If your not ashamed of the subject I say it’s fair game.

Don’t for a second start boxing yourself into what you can and can’t advertise. Unless your selling your own product you really need to branch out and think outside of the box.

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Buy My Phone Room or Not?

I want you to first chew on this picture before you buy My Phone Room from anyone (hopefully from me.. ;))


Check out My Phone Room Numbers in Time SAVED!!!!!


buy my phone room

This was taken from my back office in My Phone Room as of June 30th, 2011.

I want you to check out the fact that 24,796 prospecting calls were made on my behalf.

OH SNAP! Continue reading

Looking For A SECockpit Bonus?

If your looking for a SECockpit bonus you came to the right spot.

Remember, SECockpit on it’s own is just a tool and like any tool if not used properly will not do the job. I would rather you not buy SECockpit and to never use it or worse use it incorrectly to drive traffic.

SECockpit Bonus – Learn How To Maximize Results

One of the things I see a lot when people are doing keyword research and even when using tools like market samurai or SECockpit is that they think it’s the ONE thing they need to get down to get traffic.

secockpit bonus

Keyword Research On The Fly

You gotta remember that TRAFFIC comes in many forms.

You are going to miss out on a ton of traffic if your only going to start SEO traffic. There are other ways to boost your traffic daily while your waiting to rise in serps.

And this is exactly where my bonus is coming from.


Traffic Comparison With SECockpit – March 2011 to June 2011

I want you to look at this image.

secockpit bonus

click to expand

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Buy SECockpit – Runs My SEO Foundation

Just in case you were looking for a direct link here is where you can buy SECockpit . I’ve had a good chance to use it for a couple months now.

But before I go and try and sell this product I did a training on it and of course the video capture software I’m running decided to crap out.


Before You Buy SECockpit – Check Out My Training On SEO

secockpit supply and demand

And before you can even talk about SEO let’s talk about the basics and mindset of who is buying your information, services and products.

Take a look at the image to the right.

It would make more sense with my video (if it was working) but you can get the idea of it.

Too many get caught up of SEO things and forget the main focus to why people buy and how we are providers can sell it to them. So again, before you go and buy SECockpit check out the write up below of my training (minus the video, aaarr)


SEO Training – Process of My Business with SECockpit In Center

This is the write I did while holding my training. You can be included in my training by going through my bootcamp.

The information below was written while going through my training and answering questions.

So I apologize for not having the video and hope to get it resolved by the next time I do another training.


Home Work If You Attended The Training

  1. Log into Market Samurai and get into their training at the dojo

    Try Market Samurai now for free!

  2. Log into SECockpit and get their free ebook and of course buy SECockpit with my banne below.

Keyword Research Evolved Continue reading

iJango Closes It’s Door But Opens To What?

I have spoken and even mentored some people who where in iJango. It’s too bad the business fell apart and I can feel your pain since I’ve been down that road with iLearningGlobal.

I guess business plans that start with “i” only work for ipod, iphone, ipad.

ijango closes

iJango Closes Down

It’s never good to kick a company when they are down regardless if your the person telling your team to re-evaluate their business by: “do you really want to put your future in their hands?”.

Hey, maybe they had it good on the inside. Who knows.

I believe this is the 2nd online portal type business I’ve seen fall down and close shop. The other one I made some cool money with was Winzy and they just disappeared into the night.

Look,  iJango closing down isn’t the worst thing in the world. When iLearningGlobal shut it’s doors I was pissed but hey, it’s a business. Not all businesses make it and times change.

The one constant is you. Continue reading