Profitable Business Ideas 2011

I have seen quite a few new and existing Profitable Business Ideas 2011 but not all of them are perfect for everyone. When it comes to thinking of what kind of business to start up, unless you have something in mind already, it could take you quite a while to find something you are good at or that you love to do. I have taken some time to scour the internet and ask my friends for business ideas that could be profitable for you.

  • If you enjoy baking you could start making and selling cakes, pastries and more!

  • Web and graphic design can also be a great way to make some income I have found

  • Online marketing is definitely one of the most profitable ways to start up a business

  • Having a knack for creating things like candles, jewelry and even scrapbooks are great ways for women or anyone to make some extra cash too

  • Accounting or tax preparation services are good for seasonal, occasional income

  • Senior care (like in home health) care can not only be something you start up yourself but is one of the more rewarding business ideas for 2011

  • Training or tutoring services for school subjects or even miscellaneous areas like sports, web design or even t shirt making

  • Babysitting or starting up your own in home day care/preschool

  • Handyman or Home improvement services

The Riskiest Profitable Business Ideas 2011Profitable Business Ideas 2011

I am well aware that not all business ideas become successful because before I made my money from online marketing, I struggled trying to find the right niche as well. Risky business ideas today often either fail because of money or because there is simply not a market for them. However, in some cases there is such a large market for that items that it is almost impossible to start up a new competing business without offering something new and different. If you are going for something that already has a large market you could see success if you place yourself right, like the coin operated laundry mats. No matter where you are there always seems to be a laundry mat and some people have no other option but to use them. Although this would be one of the riskiest Profitable Business Ideas 2011 it could pay off if you place it in the right spot.

Guaranteed Profitable Business Ideas 2011

I certainly remember what it was like to try out a number of different niches to just have them all fail so I am going to tell you how to make guaranteed money this year. I have made a hefty chunk of change from online marketing and although people believe all of these marketing offers are scams I have been able to support myself and my family on it. For me, online marketing is not only one of the best business ideas for 2011 but one of the most proven profitable ones too.

PS: I can go much more in detail on how you can make money like I do online if you just fill out my form on the right. Profitable Business Ideas 2011 are just around the corner.

How To Find The Best Part Time Jobs

If you are in the market for work and want to find the best part time jobs then you have probably just looked around locally. Depending on how much money you are trying to make or hours you need to get, you could end up working in the customer service field, a warehouse or even driving a school bus. I have worked and had friends work various part time jobs so I know there are a lot of ways to work part time out there. You could drive a school bus part time, offer tutoring or teaching services, work at a local book store or chain retail store or even work for a catering part time jobs

You can either search for the part time jobs open in your area online or in your newspaper or you could even start up your own part time business. You could make your own jewelry and sell it, offer handy man services, car audio or mechanic work, computer services or web design all could be ways to make some money on a part time basis.

If you have a passion for cooking you may even be able to find someone to hire you as their personal chef or take on that catering suggestion on your own rather than working for a company. When you think about it a part time job could be found in anything so it just comes down to what you can do, when you need to work and how much money you need to make.

Where Can I Find the Best Part Time Jobs Online?

Working online has become an excellent way to work online and is how I make my own money! Over all of those local jobs you find I would always recommend going for the good money on a part time schedule, online. I have found that people can literally make as much as they want to or need to online rather than being restricted by hourly pay rates.

How I have made my money is through online marketing and if you really want the online option, I can show you everything you need to know. However, if you want to try and find your own ways to make some part time money online then start your search off at a search engine like Google. I have found this is the best way to find numerous options all at once.

The Best Part Time Jobs: Online VS Local

When it comes to which method of part time working is the best it will really depend on what fits you the best. Not every job is great for everyone so do some job hunting so you can find the best part time jobs that interest you.

PS: Share any input you have on this below in the comments or do what I do online which starts with being able to start a website that you own and can then monetize.

When Can I Retire?

The pure shock of what I found out when attending a retirement seminar was looking at the real question of -> When Can I Retire?


Have you thought about when you can retire?

I know most don’t. It’s sad but true. Most live pay check to pay check so why even think about something 30 years later, right?


I’m 33 with 2 kids and a stay at home wife. I am the bread winner.when can i retire


Can I realistically believe I can retire? I mean, when can I retire if I were to try and provide the same type of lifestyle I’m living now?

I’ve been putting into my 401k, IRA Roth, and even buying silver the last 8+ years or so. I’m not close to being where I want to be but there are some pretty important things to think about when your thinking about when you can retire.

Continue reading

How To Get More Twitter Followers – Business Edition

One of the mysteries I had when marketing online was wonder how to get more twitter followers

Where do I get more visitors from?how to get more twitter followers

Well, more specifically where do I get REAL people to come to my website. Now, for the most part many people seem to think social media is just a fad for business and most businesses only jump on because it’s the “in thing” to do.

I’m here to tell you, social marketing for business is big business.


Learning How To Get More Twitter Followers Will Help Your Business

So some of the questions I get all the time is how to get more twitter followers for their business but primarily their home business. Without a doubt,  many will associate a following of people as a source of traffic. In a way this is correct but I would rather share that traffic in itself is not the cure all. Sure if you have gobs and gobs of traffic that would make sense.

I’m talking about traffic that comes from a social media stream that could quite possibily sky rocket your business if setup correctly. Continue reading

Mark Hoverson – Irresistible Info Marketing Blueprint

So what is the deal with this Mark Hoverson’s Irresistible Info Marketing Blueprint?

Well check this out.

Mark Hoverson has been on of these dudes online that I haven’t been able to meet but have noticed from my experience with other trainers in the industry.

I’ve never actually bought anything from him but people seem to rave about him so he’s gotta have the good right?

Mark Hoverson Irresistible Info Marketing Blueprint – I Ignored It

Well, life gets busy and I just brushed it aside. Things were ramping up for the launch and tons of people were gearing to sell and buy the thing but I just didn’t have the “urge”.

I want to point the finger at my busy schedule or that I’ve been trying to make 2 products of my own to build a brand around. Either way, I didn’t give this product even a chance and just shelved it to concentrate on my long term goal to get some sizable assets online.

Then I saw this training on info products.mark hoverson Irresistible Info Marketing Blueprint





I’m not sure where it fired up but as I was doing some work on a membership site I decided to spend some time to see what this “caffeine product” he was talking about.

I want to reiterate, I don’t think he’s the “man” as I just regarded him as another guy who made some money online and is now looking to monetize on it. No biggie, that’s the way it works.


Mark Hoverson Irresistible Info Marketing Blueprint – Ideas Galore

Just his FREE training on what he will be touching on sparked something to change what I was doing on my current product. I had to implement it and see what the deal was. On a psychological level it just makes sense.

The more I’ve been in the industry of information marketing the more I’ve been diving into the mind of buying/selling.

What makes people buy? There are distinct triggers and tapping into a couple will for sure help me sell more products.

Just ONE of man that fired up was being able to do a inside “back office” view of what people are to expect.

See, people are scared of the unknown.

That just totally makes sense to me.

People don’t take action or buy thing because of that unknown.

Throwing in money back guarantees, testimonials, and now adding the sneak peak to what to expect just made FREAKING sense.

Why haven’t I been doing this earlier?

This Mark Hoverson Irresistible Info Marketing Blueprint just make freaking SENSE!

 Mark Hoverson Irresistible Info Marketing Blueprint – Changing Course

So one of the things I’ve been teaching my teams and students is to ALWAYS consider yourself as the business. Sure you sell something but in the end YOU are your business. If YOU are your business YOU need to figure out how to sell what you know.

Throwing in what Timothy Ferriss talks about the information selling the Mark Hoverson Irresistible Info Marketing Blueprint started to piece it together for me.

The last couple of coaching calls I’ve had with my students was to set aside time to get this product and LEARN how to build your own product.

Product creation is key once you start to dive into marketing funnels and what I’ve been working on so far.

If your on the boarder, I suggest you just watch the free video trainings  he’s giving away and dive into why it’s such a vital portion to my own internet business.

If you want to join me in this journey go ahead and purchase the Mark Hoverson Irresistible Info Marketing Blueprint product from the Banner below:

mark hoverson Irresistible Info Marketing Blueprint

HostGator Promo Code – 25%

HostGator Promo Code 25% off

*use promo code startawebsitehostgator for 25% off at*

I personally use hostgator and have used it for many of my websites. There are a lot of qualities to a good hosting and here are some after being with a piss poor hosting account.hostgator promo code

  1. Speed
    1. I can’t tell you  how many times I was with another host and it was dirt slow. It suck because if your trying to do any type of SEO having a slow freaking website will kill your site. Visitors will just stop waiting and leave. Bounce rate will hurt bad. People are looking for information and if they have to wait, or wait too long for their own taste your just not going to keep your visitors around.
  2. Up Time
    1. I remember countless times when my old host (NOT HOSTGATOR) that I would try and pull up my website to show it off to someone only to see it dead in the water. AAARRRRR. When your site is an extension of your business and has no hours of operation because it’s supposed to be open 24hrs a day down time is a no-no.
  3. Customer Service
    1. There is regular customer service that works on their time and then there is good customer service that seems to be around and available ALL the time. Stuff happens. Crap happens. Stuff out of your control and most times in your control because you broke something. Hey, that’s life.

I’m not going to say you MUST use HostGator but I’ve built over 30 websites in all kinds of niches and I have most if not all of them with Hostgator. I was able to strike up a deal to get a special coupon to my guests to my website here. This HostGator promo code is the real deal and can be applied for a 25% discount to your checkout.

How you like them apples?

HostGator Promo Code


Oh, if you think you can go with one host and then move to another there are services within Host Gator to make it a smooth transition. To avoid this step I would say just go with Host Gator and don’t even mess with it. If your building more websites and want to mess with C Class Ip hosting sure go get that when you need unique IP stuff. But for the 95% of my common readers there is really no need to go into that unless your looking into geo targeting domains.

Make it easy and just use my hostgator promo code and call it a day ->> startawebsitehostgator

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