One Thousand Dollars – Why You Haven’t Made It Online In A Day Part 1

The text below is from my personal notes to my training. Watch the video then check the write up below. My goal is to help people get online to make one thousand dollars online in a single day.

Reasons Why You Haven’t Made One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) Online
by: Lawrence Tam

1) Ownership


blogs, articles, videos, content, heart and soul

-easier (how much easier?)
Traffic -> Page (split the earnings)
-Short Term Route (3-6month) (30 articles, 10 videos) = TEST the Waters -> Quit


Teaching How To Fish

Hubpages – Got slapped by panda, went to a subdomain, then retro graded links and hubs for quality (weeding on MLM or other affiliate things)one thousand dollars

Ezinearticles – no adsense sharing, got huge pimped out slapped by panda. ezinearticles wp plugin, higher restrictions to approval

Youtube – youtube slap earlier in 2011.

Squidoo – de-valuing (friendly…. for now)

blogger/wordpress – you are at the mercy of THEM. closure, Banning, smack down


One Thousand Dollars In A Day Online

If you think about it one thousand dollars made in a single day isn’t a feat of Herculean strength.

Many people do this all offline but why is it so hard to do online.

I mean just once? At least once?




OWN YOUR STUFF. (SH*T) (technical breakdown)

start a website


High converting offer -> Click Here (what my team uses)


One Thousand Dollars in a Day Online Training
Part 1 – Ownership
Part 2 – Traffic
Part 3 – Conversions

China Building Collapse – Check Yourself

Look, stuff happens and when it comes to dealing with people’s lives it’s vitally important to “measure twice and cut once”. The China building collapse of the Lotus River Garden building is a sad testament that this doesn’t always apply.china building collapse

Tight Schedules
Poor Engineering
Cutting Corners
Ignoring Safety

I believe there have been some workers that didn’t make it out alive. This could have been worse and glad there weren’t people living inside (if they were that would have been premature since the surrounding areas were still being developed).

I’m just shocked like something like this could happen when you have so many “eyeballs” on the project.

What makes this even scarier is that these so called engineers are spring up building all over the world with building codes just like the one in the picture above (building laying on their side).

Continue reading

How To Start A Website From Scratch P2 – Ideas


So in our training for part to of how to start a website from scratch – Generate Ideas

It’s pointless to start something and to have no direction let alone a central idea to what your website is about. So..

Let’s start with some ideas.


Start A Website From Scratch – Open Up Your Idea’s Box

Take some time now and write down some of the things that interest you and figure out if you want to start a website to generate money or just increase your fan base.

I would first say your ideas need to come from something out of love so let’s start a website with love.

When your ready for the formal training and technical setup of being able to start a website properly go ahead and click the banner below.

start a website


Full Training Parts To Build A Website From Scratch

  1. Build A Website From Scratch Part 1 – Intro
  2. Build A Website From Scratch Part 2 – Ideas
  3. Build A Website From Scratch Part 3 – Own It
  4. Build A Website From Scratch Part 4 – Reasons

How To Retire Early And Tips You Can Use

How To Retire Early

Even people in their twenties want to know how they can plan to retire early but with the economic states of numerous countries, it is hard to determine is that is a real possibility or not. Sure, you may be able to actually retire at an early age but will the money you be bringing in monthly be enough to cover all of your expenses? Knowing how much money you need each month will really help you out in determining when you can actually retire. I can see why quite a few people get overwhelmed when they research how they can retire early because it may require you to have quite a bit of money. If you really want to know how to retire early one of the best places to start is looking at your own income.

If you have noticed that the income you currently make will not provide enough retirement money to support you then you may need to come up with a Plan B. For those of you who are young enough, you may want to consider doing another job somewhere else in order to make the amount of money in retirement that you will need. Continue reading

US Debt Crisis Is Here

US debt crisisFor weeks I had to sit and watch reports on Washington officials in the United States try to come up with a plan to get them out of trouble. I have read online that quite a few people believe the problem started back in 90’s when government officials began to repay debt at a really fast rate which made others nervous. Having too small of a government debt is almost just as risky as having too much debt. However, even though the US debt crisis could be seen from a mile away the US government still took their sweet time trying to come up with a solution.

The real issue is that the Democrats and Republicans just did not want to play fair so to speak. If both parties would have been willing to split the differences in the taxes and cuts the issue could have been handles quickly and without starting huge US debt crisis that could crutch the US for a long time. To avoid any long term issues, the seats were supposed to come up with a way to seal the debt limit by August 2nd and it wasn’t until the wee hours of the morning that day when something was actually decided. Even with this agreement reached, for now, American’s and officials are worried that it will only cause larger debt further down the road and higher taxes on those who cannot afford them.


With A Deal Made, Is The US Debt Crisis Over?

Unfortunately countries all over the world are watching as the United States teeter totters on its Triple A credit rating. Some officials have even suggested that this damage is so severe it could turn the US down the same path as Argentina who went from the world’s richest country to just middle class. What I see the US facing now is almost a struggle between the older “baby boomers” and the younger generation in terms of benefits and long term payments (i.e. Social Security).  Needless to say that even with the attempts to bring the economical future of the US back up it seems that the US debt crisis is not over and has done far more damage that I expected it to. Continue reading

How To Build A Website From Scratch P1 – Intro

Before we dive into the topic of how to build a website from scratch I wanted to shoot a video then make this a multi part training.

Take some notes and come back again to dive into starting your own website.

When your ready for the formal training and technical setup of being able to start a website properly go ahead and click the banner below.

start a website


Full Training Parts To Build A Website From Scratch

  1. Build A Website From Scratch Part 1 – Intro
  2. Build A Website From Scratch Part 2 – Ideas
  3. Build A Website From Scratch Part 3 – Own It
  4. Build A Website From Scratch Part 4 – Reasons