Article Marketing Tips – Face Punch A Panda

Here are some article marketing tips I found after reading some test studies from people who use UAW.

Before I dive into the testing of another user I wanted to touch on the Google Panda issue. For most the Google Panda was supposed to target content farms and essentially bring down no value adsense sites. Now no value is subjective but in the end duplicate sites and auto-blogs were supposed to be de-ranked and allow valuable sites to make it to the top.

The Event happened April 2011 and 25% of my sites got gobbled up by the panda.

Article Marketing Tips – Panda is Alive!

article marketing tips

I guess you can say it’s alive and kicking as I can prove it ate one of my sites up. For marketers like myself when we see this:

google pandaYour just hoping the monster just keeps eating that hard bamboo versus setting it’s sites on your website. As cute and cuddly as they may seem….. Remember it’s still a bear and not to be F with.

Okay maybe my title was a bit harsh and Panda’s shouldn’t be faced punch but the Google Algorithm change has hit a lot of people and those that are constantly building and testing are the ones that will have enough “digital assets” to not be too affected by the big G’s changes.

So even after the panda update a user of UAW was able to steadily grow their traffic all from using one tool. Now should you use only one tool? no.

But… this does show that article marketing is not dead.

One of the article marketing tips I wanted to drive home is that you need not FEAR the panda. Those that scream the loudest tend to get heard the most. Sure there are those like my site above that got randomly and hit but I know it will come back strong as my links that were put to it start to be indexed and valued again.

It’s just a fact of life that if your playing in someone’s sandbox your going to get sand in your eyes from time to time. Not a big deal. Google owns the search engine world and we are just along for the ride. Article marketing at it’s core will never go away. Content is king and as I always say “Leaders are Readers.”

Article Marketing Tips To Take Home

article marketing tipsContinue using article marketing. It’s not dead. Things happen and you need to test, test, test. The life of a marketer is one that you move with the trends and avoid being eaten alive by a cute Panda Bear.

Things happen and you can’t let that get you down. In life there are things you can NOT control but what you can is:

  • Value
  • Consistency

Continue to pump out good content and make sure you go through article marketing the correct way. Keyword -> Content -> On Page -> Off Page

If you have no clue what I’m talking about then it’s time you graduate from my 7 day internet lead generation bootcamp.

The link below takes you to the UAW case study that the panda won’t eat everyone:

So my suggestion is to learn how to shoot a fireball right into the dreaded Google Panda… I mean fight back with magic…

Don’t be stuck in first gear afraid of the unknown. Get out there, build great content, and backlink the heck out them with tools like UAW.

Click The Banner Below To Fight Back Against the Panda

article marketing tips

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